Impromptu Workday recap for Saturday, June 12th - Transition from "Big Dig" to passenger line

What a difference just a couple of weeks make. We now have a new 60-foot gate grade crossing at the main entrance to the property which is part of the new passenger line. The crew, which consisted of Wes, Norm, Gene, “Bob"2”, Scott, Robby, and Calvin, spent the day working on finishing the grade crossing grading and packed in about 120-feet of crusher run in the forms between the gate crossing and the man crossing. The crew also installed about 70-feet of track between the crossings.
During all the work we did have a small incident between “Bob2”, a shovel, and a rake. While the rake only had minor bruises the shovel on the other hand did not fare as well. Medical attention was requested but not sure what the final diagnosis will be for the shovel.
Meanwhile, Wes went crazy and tackled grass cutting, weed eating the fence, and more. Calvin also marked the first official car across the gate crossing. Our next official workday will be this Saturday, June 19th at 8:30 a.m. The focus of the day will be to finish laying track to the man crossing and connect the east loop to the gate crossing. Should be a great day with some real progress. We look forward to seeing everyone. Make sure you bring plenty of water, sunscreen, lunch, and a good sense of humor.