Thank you to everyone who helped with our first public run day of 2022

Thank you to every member that was able to help with our first spring public run day since 2019. The railroad operates a little different this time around than it did in April 2019. This past Saturday we had an unbelievable turnout of our members and invited guests along with our public riders. Here are some highlights of the day:

Total Riders: 634 totaling $1,286.00

Donations: $122.00 (photo with the Sterling, Mailbox, and donations at ticket tent)

Concessions and Merchandise: $276.62

Please also be on the lookout for our newest member, Tim Riedel, who completed the rest of his new member application on Saturday and provided a $25 donation in addition to his membership dues.

Again, from the board we want to thank everyone involved in making the day a success. We had several visitors comment on how excited there where to see us open and all the great work the club had done during the COVID years.

Our next public run day is coming up on Saturday, May 21st with our workday scheduled for Saturday, May 14th. More information regarding both days will follow but several people have asked if we could bring back the run day potluck with hot dogs so we will be asking you in a follow up email if you are interested bringing it back.

And finally several members will be traveling to spring meetings coming up this week at Mid-South Live Steamers and Palmetto Live Steamers. Don’t forget to print out some flyers regarding our Fall Meet. Here is a link to the flyer for you to print out - Fall Meet Flyer. If you have any questions please let us know.


First public run day of 2022 is in the books


April 30th Public Run Day - Are you available to work during the event?