Train Ride Day Recap for Saturday, May 20, 2023
What a beautiful day we ended up having. The weather forecast changed by the minute all week but by Saturday the skies cleared, and the trains came out. Our all-volunteer crew showed up early and got the railroad ready for operation. Check out the pictures and videos from both of our railroads in operation.
As the railroad opened one of our long-time volunteers LaVay made it out to help out with the station. His stories and tails are always a fan favorite. The railroad ran very well with four trains running strong all day giving many of our passengers an opportunity to ride every train multiple times.
If you were a visitor to the railroad and are interested in volunteering or becoming a club member check out our membership page for more information regarding our railroad.
As we transition to summer activities around the railroad don’t forget to put our next two run days on your calendar. We are planning on debuting a new steam engine to the railroad this Fall, and you are not going to want to miss the fun and excitement.