Club Meeting and Election Day is on Saturday, January 4, 2020 at 1 p.m.
It’s hard to believe the New Year is here. Our first club meeting is on Saturday, January 4, 2020 at 1 p.m. at Hawthorn Suites, which is across the street from the railroad
It’s hard to believe the new year is here. Our first club meeting is on Saturday, January 4, 2020 at 1 p.m. at Hawthorn Suites, which is across the street from the railroad. This is also the meeting we elect new board members based on nominations from our December meeting. The 2020 nominees are:
President- Bill Leahy
Vice President- Peter Craymer
Treasurer (2020-2023)- Norm Wizner
Secretary- Robby Mossman
Board Nomination (3 Positions Available)
Bob Cumming
Joe Fabregas
Rick Kight
Scott Moore
According to the bylaws if only one candidate is offered for an Office, the Office may be declared filled once the nomination process has been approved. This means the 2020 Officers have been filled leaving us with voting on Board nominees.
As a reminder in order to vote or be on the board you must be in good standing. All dues are due by January 4, 2020 prior to being able to vote. Existing Full membership dues are $75, and Associate is $50.
For more information visit our website or you can mail 2020 dues to: P.O. Box 1809, Conyers, GA 30012
Train Rides in 3 Months. Who's excited? We are!
It is hard to believe the holiday season is ending and about to start the New Year. As you begin to think of a New Year’s resolution don’t forget we open a little earlier this year.
It is hard to believe the holiday season is ending and about to start 2020. As you begin to think of a New Year’s resolution don’t forget we open a little earlier this year. In fact, our first train ride day of the season is just 90 days away. Mark the calendar for Saturday, March 28th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. as the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad comes alive. For more information about our Train Ride Days click here.
Cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad. Must be at least 18 months old or older. Sorry expectant mothers are not allowed to ride on the railroad at this time. We also do NOT accept debit/credit cards.
New Year's Day Club Fun Day - Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Hey club members and others in the Live Steam hobby the weather is looking great for our first club fun day of the year on Wednesday, January 1, 2020. Come out when you can and bring family and friends.
Hey club members and others in the Live Steam hobby the weather is looking good for our first club fun day of the year on Wednesday, January 1, 2020. Come out when you can and bring family and friends.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
North Georgia Live Steamers wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you around the railroad in 2020.
North Georgia Live Steamers wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you around the railroad in 2020.
The Home Machinist - Chaski Discussion Board
Live Steam & Riding Scale Railroad discussion board site.
Live Steam & Riding Scale Railroad discussion board site. You will find just about anything you can imagine regarding the Live Steam hobby here.
Update: New Riding and Engineer Cars Fundraiser
As 2019 begins to wind down North Georgia Live Steamers would like to thank everyone who has made a donation to help us purchase new riding and Engineer cars.
As 2019 begins to wind down North Georgia Live Steamers would like to thank everyone who has donated to help us purchase new riding and Engineer cars. As of December 14, 2019, we have reached 30.7% of our goal. If you are looking for an end of year charity to place your donation, please consider us. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. For more information or to make a donation visit our donation page at http://www.nglsrr.org/donations
NGLS 2019 Year in Review
It is hard to believe that 2019 is coming to an end. The year brought more steam engines operating on a regular basis around the railroad, new members, friends, installation of a bridge, construction of a Gauge 1 railroad, and a whole lot more.
It is hard to believe that 2019 is coming to an end. The year brought more steam engines operating on a regular basis around the railroad, new members, friends, installation of a bridge, construction of a Gauge 1 railroad, and a whole lot more. Here are a few highlights from 2019 plus don’t forget our 2020 public run day schedule has also been set so save the dates. For other scheduled activities visit our club calendar.
#nglsrr #discoverlivesteam #trains #visitconyersga #gaintlhorsepark #2019inreview
2020 Board Nominations
On Saturday, December 7, 2019 nominations where taken for the 2020 Board.
On Saturday, December 7, 2019 nominations where taken for the 2020 Board. The following where nominated:
President- Bill Leahy
Vice President- Peter Craymer
Treasurer (2020-2023)- Norm Wizner
Secretary- Robby Mossman
Board Nomination (3 Positions Available)
Bob Cumming
Joe Fabregas
Rick Kight
Scott Moore
The election will be at our next meeting on Saturday, January 4, 2020 at 1 p.m. As a reminder members must be in good standing in order to vote and be on the board.
For more information visit our website.
The quest to document the history of NGLS 1328
The live steam hobby is full of history. Recently, Bill Leahy, NGLS President, has taken up the challenge to try and not only document the history of the club steamer but also try and clear up some confusion in the story.
The live steam hobby is full of history. Recently, Bill Leahy, NGLS President, has taken up the challenge to try and not only document the history of the club steamer but also try and clear up some confusion in the story. While we may know the complete history of the club steamer one thing is for sure it has been a passion of love for so many over the years and seeing it operate full time on the railroad this year is a testament to keeping the memories alive with this great example of a steam locomotive. Here are a few pictures from about 15 years ago when it went through another rebuild.
New Website Launched - Wednesday, November 27, 2019
North Georgia Live Steamers is excited to announce the launch of our new website. We hope you enjoy all the great content we’ve been able to compile. If you have any questions or would you like to contribute to the information on our website, please visit our Contact Us page on the website and let us know.
North Georgia Live Steamers is excited to announce the launch of our new website. We hope you enjoy all the great content we’ve been able to compile. If you have any questions or would you like to contribute to the information on our website, please visit our Contact Us page on the website and let us know.
Ash Pit Line Extension - November 16, 2019
Work has restarted on the Ash Pit line as preparations begin on extending our existing container another 20 feet. Below you’ll see our most recent work day on this project and a look back at where it all started.
Work has restarted on the Ash Pit line as preparations begin on extending our existing container another 20 feet. Below you’ll see our most recent work day on this project and a look back at where it all started.
Construction Pictures from April 2016
New Riding Cars & Engineer Car Fundraiser
North Georgia Live Steamers, a 501(c)3 non-profit railroad charity, is raising money to expand its ability to handle the growing number of visitors to the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The railroad has been built and maintained by a group of volunteers and members of the North Georgia Live Steamers.
North Georgia Live Steamers, a 501(c)3 non-profit railroad charity, is raising money to expand its ability to handle the growing number of visitors to the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The railroad has been built and maintained by a group of volunteers and members of the North Georgia Live Steamers.
Our goal is to raise enough to purchase four (4) new passenger riding cars and one (1) conductor car.
The Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad is located at the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers, Georgia which was also home of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics Equestrian events. The railroad has more than 7,500 feet of track on the ground with much more planned in the coming years.
Work Day - November 16, 2019
The day was full of activity with two bobcats, multiple chainsaws, and a work crew. The work crew first cut down trees near the container and steaming bay area while the bobcats started digging and preparing the area around the steaming bay area for new track and container.
The day was full of activity with two bobcats, multiple chainsaws, and a work crew. The work crew first cut down trees near the container and steaming bay area while the bobcats started digging and preparing the area around the steaming bay area for new track and container.
Construction Video of the Ash Pit & New 20-foot Shipping Container Project - November 16, 2019
This is day one of a project that will allow us to extend what we call the Ash Pit line down to the main part of the railroad and add an additional 20-foot container that will attach to an existing 40-foot container. This will provided a central place of storage for club locomotives and rolling stock.
This is day one of a project that will allow us to extend what we call the Ash Pit line down to the main part of the railroad and add an additional 20-foot container that will attach to an existing 40-foot container. This will provided a central place of storage for club locomotives and rolling stock.
Train Ride Schedule for 2020
The North Georgia Live Steamers has updated its 2020 ride day schedule as of Saturday, October 2, 2020 and have decided to cancel the rest of the regularly scheduled dates until 2021. Be on the look out for the 2021 schedule to be posted soon.
Schedule Update
The North Georgia Live Steamers has updated its 2020 ride day schedule as of Saturday, October 2, 2020 and have decided to cancel the rest of the regularly scheduled dates until 2021. Be on the look out for the 2021 schedule to be posted soon. Our first public run day will be in April 2021.
The North Georgia Live Steamers are excited to announce the 2020 public ride day schedule. The Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad will be open in March 28th (cancelled), April 25th (cancelled), May 16th (cancelled), October 10th (cancelled) and November 7th (cancelled) from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. Mark the calendar now and bring the whole family out and enjoy the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. Riders must be at least 18 months old or older.
Cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad. CASH ONLY. Tickets are available for sale at the railroad only during ride days.
November 2, 2019 Public Run Day Photos
Our 5th public run day of the season was on Saturday, November 2, 2019. Check out a few of the pictures from the day.
Our 5th run day of the year was on Saturday, November 2, 2019. It was a great fall day and saw 5 steam engines and two diesel locomotives running all afternoon.