Come ride trains on Saturday, October 2nd from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
It has been two years since the railroad has come alive for train rides and during this time the members of North Georgia Live Steamers have been hard at work around the railroad which includes adding nearly 1,000-feet of track to the railroad. You, your friends, and family are invited to come rides trains as the railroad comes alive again on Saturday, October 2nd from 1:00 - 4:30 p.m.
It has been two years since the railroad has come alive for train rides and during this time the members of North Georgia Live Steamers have been hard at work around the railroad which includes adding nearly 1,000-feet of track to the railroad. You, your friends, and family are invited to come rides trains as the railroad comes alive again on Saturday, October 2nd from 1:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad. Must be at least 18 months old or older. Sorry expectant mothers are not allowed to ride on the railroad. Cash Only. We also do NOT accept debit/credit cards.
For more information about Train Rides click here.

Another busy workday recap for Saturday, September 11, 2021
Another busy workday around the railroad as we get another weekend closer to re-opening the railroad after nearly two years. Today’s work consisted of installing the fencing at the station, installing a drainpipe in the drive way, installing new insulators for signal system, gauge 1 guys worked on the track, and preparing the replacement truck for the sulky to round out just a few things done today.
Another busy workday around the railroad as we get another weekend closer to re-opening the railroad after nearly two years. Today’s work consisted of installing the fencing at the station, installing a drainpipe in the drive way, installing new insulators for signal system, gauge 1 guys worked on the track, and preparing the replacement truck for the sulky to round out just a few things done today. A few members of the crew also spent time identifying what is needed to start work on the “Grandma” line which includes build a curved switch. The crew consisted of Wes, John, Scott, Norm, Ben, Rick, “Bob”, Dave E., Tyler, Calvin, Carl, and others.
The crew installed more than 120’ of fencing to help mark off the new station loading area just in time for the railroad to re-open on October 2nd.
A new drain was installed today to help drain off excess rainwater from the loading area out towards the east loop. A new catch basis is also in the works so be on the lookout for the cones on the east side of the driveway.
Last week the truck under the sulky finally wore out and a new sulky arrive today with brakes and getting a paint job before getting installed under the sulking in the coming days.
The passenger line is now complete - Workday recap for Saturday, September 4, 2021
What an incredible day. After 42 workdays over 14 months of work the passenger line is now complete. Today’s crew consisted of Wes, Gene, “Bob2”, Scott, Norm, David E., and Robby installed the last 55’ of track.
What an incredible day. After 42 workdays over 14 months of work the passenger line is now complete. Today’s crew consisted of Wes, Gene, “Bob2”, Scott, Norm, David E., and Robby installed the last 55’ of track. They also cleaned up some areas with additional gravel and fill to reduce any drainage issues in the area. Next on the list of to-do’s includes grade crossing lights at the pedestrian crossing along with a switch motor for the station bypass track.
Scott was able to capture the last buck of 57 being dumped on the passenger line project as the crew put the finishing touches on the project. Not sure why Norm is scratching his head other than maybe thinking about what the next project will be.
David E. and Robby took the first ride on the completed passenger line all the way through the new station area. They looked like two kids in a candy store. Just saying.
We did run into an issue with the club diesel towards the end of the day. Let’s just say that the engine is fine but the truck under the sulky isn’t. One of the axles has warn to a point it came out of the side frame. Norm took the truck and is going to get it fixed until them just know the club diesel is not available until the sulky is fixed.
Workday recap for Thursday, September 2, 2021 - Only 6 more panels to complete the passenger line project
We had a rare workday during the week today as a small crew went out and finished ballasting, leveling, fixing drainage, and setting forms so the final 6 panels will go in easy during our next workday. The crew consisted of Ben, “Bob”, Peter, Dave E., Norm, Wes, and Robby. The crew focused on a few different areas throughout the day starting with finishing ballasting from the end of the passenger station area and worked towards the pedestrian crossing.
We had a rare workday during the week today as a small crew went out and finished ballasting, leveling, fixing drainage, and setting forms so the final 6 panels will go in easy during our next workday. The crew consisted of Ben, “Bob”, Peter, Dave E., Norm, Wes, and Robby. The crew focused on a few different areas throughout the day starting with finishing ballasting from the end of the passenger station area and worked towards the pedestrian crossing. They also worked on addressing some major drainage areas by the bridges as the most recent rain had washed out some area next to the bypass track again. Additional gravel was spread in other areas to help with drainage between the passenger line and the bypass track along with providing some better footing when people get on an off a train in the station area.
All in all, a very productive day which means that our next workday will complete the passenger line project and perform some track work on the bypass track.
On another note don’t forget that we have our annual boiler inspection and railroad safety check on Saturday, September 18th. Be on the look out for additional details. The railroad safety check is intended to change all railroad equipment and identify any track work that needs to be completed before our planned re-open on Saturday, October 2nd.
Do You Shop at Kroger's? You Could Be Raising Money For North Georgia Live Steamers
If you shop at Kroger's, your everyday purchases could turn donations to the North Georgia Live Steamers. All you do is register and use your Kroger card every time you shop at Kroger's.
If you shop at Kroger's, your everyday purchases could turn donations to the North Georgia Live Steamers. All you do is register and use your Kroger card every time you shop at Kroger's.
How do you register your card? Simply click on the link below and login to your account. Under the Community Rewards program you will find a button that says, "re-Enroll Now". Type in North Georgia Live Steamers and you are in business. Make sure you tell all your friends about this great opportunity.
Here is the link to the reward program: Kroger Community Rewards program.
Remember spread the word to your friends and family and make sure they register North Georgia Live Steamers as a Kroger Community Reward recipient. If you have a hard time getting your Kroger Plus card associated with North Georgia Live Steamers you may also use this reference number which will also pull up North Georgia Live Steamers on the Kroger site. Our Kroger Community reference number is 45942.
If you have any questions regarding how the program works please visit Kroger Community Rewards for additional information.
Checkout the latest steam engine to hit the rails during our club fun day on Saturday, August 28, 2021
Well in typical fashion our “Summer Nights” club fun run was more like a “Summer Daytime” club fun day. The day saw many familiar faces, trains, and a new Consolidation making its debut around the railroad. Here is a video of Gene and Joan taking the locomotive out on the railroad giving it a good workout. A few special engineers also got the opportunity to be an engineer and took it for a few laps around the railroad.
Well in typical fashion our “Summer Nights” club fun run was more like a “Summer Daytime” club fun day. The day saw many familiar faces, trains, and a new Consolidation making its debut around the railroad. Here is a video of Gene and Joan taking the locomotive out on the railroad giving it a good workout. A few members also got to be the engineer and took it for a few laps around the railroad.
Passenger Line project workday recap for Saturday, August 21, 2021
This past Saturday, August 21st was another product workday. The crew which consisted of Rick, Ben, “Bob”, Gene, Scott, Norm, Tyler, and Robby where able to set forms for the remaining 170’ of track, crusher run for about 130’ feet and about 90’ of track. With the progress the crew made we are so very close to completing the passenger line project just in time for our re-opening plans for our first public run day in two years.
This past Saturday, August 21st was another product workday. The crew which consisted of Rick, Ben, “Bob”, Gene, Scott, Norm, Peter, Tyler, and Robby where able to set forms for the remaining 170’ of track, crusher run for about 130’ feet and about 90’ of track. With the progress the crew made we are so very close to completing the passenger line project just in time for our re-opening plans for our first public run day in two years.
Meanwhile, Scott continued to work on the new drain coming out the yard and filled in some washout we had with all the recent rains near the bridges.
With all that has been done one more workday with a good size crew would complete the passenger line project. Our next scheduled workday will be on Saturday, September 11th but one is being discussed for Saturday, September 4th so be on the lookout. Speaking of scheduled events our annual “Summer Night Run” for club members and invited guests will be on Saturday, August 28th.
Workday scheduled for this Saturday, August 21st - "The Final Countdown"
We are in the final few workdays to complete the passenger line project. At this point we have installed more than 700’ of track and all we lack to finish is 170’. We invite you to bring friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and anyone you can find looking for something to do this Saturday, August 21st at 8:30 a.m. to help with installing. At this point the grading has been done which leaves putting forms then we are off to installing track. Make sure you bring water, lunch, cordless drills, knee pads, and a good sense of humor.
We are in the final few workdays to complete the passenger line project. At this point we have installed more than 700’ of track and all we lack to finish is 170’. We invite you to bring friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and anyone you can find looking for something to do this Saturday, August 21st at 8:30 a.m. to help with installing. At this point the grading has been done which leaves putting forms then we are off to installing track. Make sure you bring water, lunch, cordless drills, knee pads, and a good sense of humor.
Impromptu Workday recap for Saturday, August 14, 2021
On Saturday, August 14th we began the last 170’ of preparation work needed to complete the passenger line project. Gene, “Bob2”, Norm, and Robby came out to do grading work ahead of our next official workday which is on Saturday, August 21st. Dave E. was out, and he continued to work on making sure the new drain that was installed has a place to drain into the “dry pond” area under the bridges on the west end of the railroad. Dave and Dale also spent a little time looking at Dave’s locomotive in preparation of our annual club fun night event on August 28th.
On Saturday, August 14th we began the last 170’ of preparation work needed to complete the passenger line project. Gene, “Bob2”, Norm, and Robby came out to do grading work ahead of our next official workday which is on Saturday, August 21st. Dave E. was out, and he continued to work on making sure the new drain coming out of the yard had a good way to drain into the “dry pond” area under the bridges on the west end of the railroad. Dave E. and Dale also spent a little time working on Dave’s locomotive in preparation of our annual club fun night event which is scheduled for Saturday, August 28th.
Mark your calendars as we make a big push to complete the passenger line on Saturday, August 21st. Make sure you bring plenty of water, tools, a lunch, knee pads, and a great sense of humor. The weather is supposed to be a little cooler which should allow us to make some good progress.
One year in on the passenger line project and look at what has been accomplished
Back in July 2020 construction began on the passenger line with the installation of a switch leaving the yard on the west end of the railroad. Soon after a switch in the inner east loop and our first diamond was also installed. Fast forward to July 2021 with more than 30 weekends worked we have installed more than 1,400’ of rail, 1,590 railroad ties (give or take), 5,320 screws (give or take), more than 70 track panels, 6 switches, 60’ concrete grade crossing, 30’ pedestrian crossing, a diamond, and countless loads of gravel.
Back in July 2020 construction began on the passenger line with the installation of a switch leaving the yard on the west end of the railroad. Soon after a switch in the inner east loop and our first diamond was also installed. Fast forward to July 2021 with more than 30 weekends worked we have installed more than 1,400’ of rail, 1,590 railroad ties (give or take), 5,320 screws (give or take), more than 70 track panels, 6 switches, 60’ concrete grade crossing, 30’ pedestrian crossing, a diamond, and countless loads of gravel. This leaves us just 17 more panels to complete this project and the expansion of our mainline will be complete. A big thank you to all of you who have been able to come out and work throughout the year and a big thank you to those that could not come out but cheered us on we thank you.
As we near the completion of this project we also are closing in on our first public run day in nearly two years. We look forward to seeing many of you around the railroad over the next two months as we prepare to re-open the railroad and share our love for trains, the hobby, and more.
I hope you enjoy looking back over the past year at some of the pictures taken just to show how much has been done and how far we’ve come.
Workday recap for Saturday, August 7, 2021
Progress continues on the passenger line project. This past Saturday was a light workday with a lot of talking and planning prior to our August club meeting. After the meeting we had Robby, Calvin, Peter, Gene, Norm, and Scott install the deck boards for the pedestrian crossing. Planning for wiring for crossing electronics along with switch motor was also discussed during our time at the crossing.
Progress continues on the passenger line project. This past Saturday was a light workday with a lot of talking and planning prior to our August club meeting. After the meeting we had Robby, Calvin, Peter, Gene, Norm, and Scott install the deck boards for the pedestrian crossing. Planning for wiring for crossing electronics along with switch motor was also discussed during our time at the crossing.
Before work was done on the pedestrian crossing Bob C. took the club steamer around the railroad testing out the most recent pilot truck repairs. He then took the club steamer onto the passenger line make it the first steam engine to travel on the passenger line. Bob was happy to report that the steam engine is in good shape. Although he did put an asterisk by his recap stating its a steam engine it always needs something done to it. Check out the videos below to see the club steamer in action.
Don’t forget to checkout our events calendar for activities around the railroad and around the hobby regionally. Our next planned workday is scheduled for Saturday, August 21st with the annual Summer Nights Club fun day on Saturday, August 28th.
Passenger line nearly completed after this weekend's big workday on Saturday, July 31st
An incredible milestone happened today with the help of Scott, John T., Tyler, Norm, Gene, Wes, and “Bob2”. The crew spent the day attaching the last 75-feet of the passenger line bypass to the railroad. This now allows trains to travel from the east loop across the new gate crossing towards the west end of the railroad. With the bypass track attached we now only have 170-feet of track remaining to complete the passenger line project.
An incredible milestone happened today with the help of Scott, John T., Tyler, Norm, Gene, Wes, and “Bob2”. The crew spent the day attaching the last 75-feet of the passenger line bypass to the railroad. This now allows trains to travel from the east loop across the new gate crossing towards the west end of the railroad. With the bypass track attached we now only have 170-feet of track remaining to complete the passenger line project.
Here is a quick video Scott took showing the new route which includes passing over the railroads first diamond and heading towards the new 60-foot gate crossing towards the 30-foot man crossing all the way to the current station loading area.
Mark Your Calendar
The big push is on to complete the passenger line project by August 21st which is the weekend before our annual Summer Nights Club Fun Day. Mark the calendar for Saturday, August 7th at 8:30 for our next workday and let’s put a dent in the remaining 200-feet of track.
"Bring A Friend" workday recap for Saturday, July 24, 2021
Our “Bring A Friend” workday on Saturday, July 24th was very productive. The crew which consisted of Ben, “Bob”, Gene, Norm, Calvin, Wes, Scott, David E, and special guests Eric and Bradley. The crew worked on connecting the east end to the gate crossing extending the passenger line nearly 200-feet plus added an additional 40-feet on the west side of the new man crossing allowing the crew to set the switch for the station bypass track. This leaves only 75-feet of track to finish the passenger line station bypass track and an additional 125-feet to complete the passenger line.

Our “Bring A Friend” workday on Saturday, July 24th was very productive. The first part of the crew arrived at about 6:45 a.m. with the rest arriving at our normal time of around 8:30 a.m. Check out the pictures below to see who the early risers where. A little hint. Two of them have four legs. The crew consisted of Ben, “Bob”, Gene, Norm, Calvin, Wes, Scott, David E, and special guests Eric and Bradley. The crew worked on connecting the east end of the new passenger line to the new gate crossing extending the passenger line nearly 200-feet then the crew added an additional 40-feet on the west side of the new man crossing. This allowed them to figure out the switch placement for the bypass. Once the switch is in place, we will have 75-feet of track to finish on the bypass and an additional 125-feet to connect the mainline at the station completing the passenger line project.
From the pictures you can see the crew also rented an excavator to help with the digging trenches to improve drainage in a couple of areas around the property. The crew installed drainage on the far west side of the yard heading towards the station and with pipe donated by our friend Bill Cross drainage was also installed in the unloading head out into the east loop area of the property.
Wes and Norm went back on Sunday to do some extra excavating. They focused on digging the two foundation areas for the shop containers and took care of a drainage issue around the pump station by rerouting the excess water that runs out of the pump so it will go down the hill and not into the driveway. This will help dry out the area so our next member container can be delivered.
The next scheduled workday will be on Saturday, August 7th with the focus being connecting the passenger line bypass and work on installing the deck boards for the man crossing. Be on the lookout for additional information as we get closer.
Reminder: "Bring A Friend" workday is scheduled for Saturday, July 24th at 8:30 a.m.
The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “bring a friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.

The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “Bring A Friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.
If you are reading this and are not a member but would like to come out and help, please do not hesitate to join us. For more information about our workday please feel free to contact Robby or Norm for more details.
Make sure to bring battery powered tools, 5/16 socket for drill, knee pads, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
Be prepared to be on the ground and on your knees
2021 Project Recap
"Bring A Friend" workday is scheduled for Saturday, July 24th at 8:30 a.m.
The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “bring a friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.

The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “Bring A Friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.
If you are reading this and are not a member but would like to come out and help, please do not hesitate to join us. For more information about our workday please feel free to contact Robby or Norm for more details.
Make sure to bring battery powered tools, knee pads, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
2021 Project Recap
Workday recap for Saturday, July 10, 2021 (before the rain)
Another productive day was had this past Saturday, at least before it started raining around 2 p.m. The crew consisted of Norm, Ben, a healthier “Bob”, Calvin, Wes, David E., Scott, and Bob C. They split up and took care of a few things including the 50-foot section of track that needs to be finished to connect the east loop with the gate crossing. Wes took care of cutting most of the grass while Bob C. spent time with the club steamer making sure she was feeling good. Scott also took time to clean the rust of the gate crossing rail and treated it with a product that should keep it looking good for a while.
Another productive day was on Saturday, at least before it started raining around 2 p.m. The crew consisted of Norm, Ben, a healthier “Bob”, Calvin, Wes, David E., Scott, and Bob C. They split up and took care of a few things including working on a nearly 50-foot span to connect the east look with the gate crossing. Wes took care of cutting most of the grass while Bob C. spent time with the club steamer making sure she was feeling well. Scott also took time to clean the rust of the gate crossing rail and treated it with a product that should keep it looking good for a while.
The crew was also able to checkout some of the project on the “Grandma Line” that will allow train travel through the woods instead of the year in the future.
Our next official workday is Saturday, July 24th when we hope to finish attaching the east loop and begin laying forms to the bypass track and passenger line heading west towards the station.
Don't forget about our big workday scheduled for Saturday, July 10th at 8:30 a.m.
Don’t forget this Saturday, July 10th we have a big workday planned. We will be preparing the railroad for a private event and continue to work on the passenger line project.

Don’t forget this Saturday, July 10th we have a big workday planned. We will be preparing the railroad for a private event and continue to work on the passenger line project.
Work on the passenger line will be focused on connecting the east loop with the new grade crossing and then shift the remaining efforts on the other side of the man crossing to set forms for the next set of track panels to be installed during a future workday.
Make sure you bring tools, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
Big push to complete the passenger line project
It is amazing how much we have completed over the past year on the passenger line project. On July 25, 2020, we started the project with the installation of the bypass switch. By the end of August 2020 work was in full swing on the east side of the railroad with work on the bypass from the outer loop and installation of a switch and panels from the inner loop heading towards the railroads first diamond.
As we move into September of 2020, we picked up momentum with the installation of the diamond work progressed fast as we moved our efforts beyond the diamond and started laying track that would represent the passenger line. Once it was all said and done, we had laid nearly 200 feet of track and well on our way to the grade crossing that would later be installed in 2021.
It is amazing how much we have completed over the past year on the passenger line project. On July 25, 2020, we started the project with the installation of the bypass switch.
By the end of August work was in full swing on the east side of the railroad with work on the bypass from the outer loop and installation of a switch and panels from the inner loop heading towards the railroads first diamond.
As we move into September of 2020, we picked up momentum with the installation of the diamond work progressed fast as we moved our efforts beyond the diamond and started laying track that would represent the passenger line. Once it was all said and done, we had laid nearly 200 feet of track and well on our way to the grade crossing that would later be installed in 2021.
So, if you made it to the end of this timeline you might be asking what is next. As of July 2nd, we are 90 days away from the planned re-opening of the railroad with our first public run day since 2019. We are also about 250 feet away from completing the track work to complete the passenger line. We have five official workdays planned between now and October 2nd creating a tight schedule to complete everything. As you plan your next few months please consider coming out and helping us push forward to complete this project. Every set of hands will get us closer to completing this project ahead of our October reopening.
If you have any questions or would like to organize a weekday or weekend workday outside of what is already scheduled please contact Norm or Robby. For those that are reading this and are not part of our club and are interested in volunteering and learning more about our organization please feel free to come out during one of our workdays. If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Robby for more details.
Hope to see you around the railroad soon.
Workday scheduled for Saturday, July 10th at 8:30 a.m.
We have a big day planned for Saturday, July 10th as we prepare the railroad for a small group of visitors on the 17th and continue to work on the passenger line.
Work on the passenger line will be focused on connecting the east loop with the new grade crossing and then shift the remaining efforts on the other side of the man crossing to set forms for the next set of track panels to be installed during a future workday.
Make sure you bring tools, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.

We have a big day planned for Saturday, July 10th as we prepare the railroad for a small group of visitors on the 17th and continue to work on the passenger line.
Work on the passenger line will be focused on connecting the east loop with the new grade crossing and then shift the remaining efforts on the other side of the man crossing to set forms for the next set of track panels to be installed during a future workday.
Make sure you bring tools, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
Passenger Line Highlights
Passenger Line workday recap for Saturday, June 19, 2021
What a great turn out we had today including the rain. The morning started earlier than normal as the crew started arriving before 8 a.m. and went right to work to connect the last fifty feet of track at the man crossing. Scott and David E. spent time on address future drainage needs closer to the station area by digging a trench for a drainage pipe.
What a great turn out we had today including the rain. The morning started earlier than normal as the crew started arriving before 8 a.m. and went right to work to connect the last fifty feet of track at the man crossing. Scott and David E. spent time on address future drainage needs closer to the station area by digging a trench for a drainage pipe. Just as the last bit of ballast was spread it began to sprinkle. The crew cleaned up and had lunch and decided to stop for the day. This leaves us just fifty feet short of connecting the east loop to the gate crossing which leaves us about 200-feet to complete the passenger line. The crew today consisted of Wes, Gene, “Bob2”, Norm, Rick, Peter, Robby, David E., Scott and special guest Chris P. and his family. The crew also decided how the decking for the man crossing will look and plan to get that portion installed in the coming weeks as well.
While our next official workday is not until Saturday, July 10th we are talking about a mini workday at the site to finish connecting the east loop to the grade crossing before then. Be on the lookout for a mini-workday announcement in the next week or so.