Workday recap for both Saturday, July 9th and July 16th
Over the past two weekends a couple of different work crews went to the site to continue work on the next member container. On Saturday, July 9th the crew with help from Gene and his trusty bobcat did grading work in the for the new container, even with a little early rain, in preparation of gravel in the next week or so. Wes topped off the work during the week by marking off the general placement of the container. Then on Saturday, July 16th the plan had been to cut grass but since Wes came out on Thursday and took care of that, so the work crew ended up building much needed switch templates to make it a little easier to visualize future track placement. Coming up over the next couple of weeks the gravel will be delivered, and the container will be set.
Over the past two weekends a couple of different work crews went to the site to continue work on the next member container. On Saturday, July 9th the crew with help from Gene and his trusty bobcat did grading work in the for the new container, even with a little early rain, in preparation of gravel in the next week or so. Wes topped off the work during the week by marking off the general placement of the container. Then on Saturday, July 16th the plan had been to cut grass but since Wes came out on Thursday and took care of that, so the work crew ended up building much needed switch templates to make it a little easier to visualize future track placement. Coming up over the next couple of weeks the gravel will be delivered, and the container will be set.
Workday scheduled this Saturday, July 16th starting at 8:30 a.m.
Our next official workday is scheduled for this Saturday, July 16th at 8:30 a.m. The plan is to perform maintenance around the property like grass cutting, weed eating, and more. We also need to do track maintenance and look what it will take to install the drain in the driveway. Make sure you bring plenty of energy, a lunch, proper tools, and a good sense of humor.
Our next official workday is scheduled for this Saturday, July 16th at 8:30 a.m. The plan is to perform maintenance around the property like grass cutting, weed eating, and more. We also need to do track maintenance and look what it will take to install the drain in the driveway. Make sure you bring plenty of energy, a lunch, proper tools, and a good sense of humor.
Special member rolling stock maintenance day and workday planned for Saturday, July 9th at 8:30 a.m.
The dog days of summer are upon us and with that we do have a few projects in the works during the month of July. The first is to help Dan with some maintenance on his train to help him get prepared for our August Summer Nights run day and other opportunity to run his train. On Saturday, July 9th we will be unloading much of Dan’s train and working on trucks, couplers, air brakes, and more. If you can volunteer and looking for an opportunity to learn how all this stuff works then come out on Saturday.
While this is going on we will also have a crew working on preparing the site for the next member container. This will require removing some track panels going to the red container and preparing the ground for gravel to be delivered on a separate date.
The dog days of summer are upon us and with that we do have a few projects in the works during the month of July. The first is to help Dan with some maintenance on his train to help him get prepared for our August Summer Nights run day and other opportunity to run his train. On Saturday, July 9th we will be unloading much of Dan’s train and working on trucks, couplers, air brakes, and more. If you can volunteer and looking for an opportunity to learn how all this stuff works then come out on Saturday.
While this is going on we will also have a crew working on preparing the site for the next member container. This will require removing some track panels going to the red container and preparing the ground for gravel to be delivered on a separate date.
Plenty of opportunities to come out and help around the railroad and learn what it takes to do train maintenance.
As a special request for anyone that is good with electronics and wiring will also need some assistance re-wiring Dan’s control box on his locomotive as it broke again during our last run day.
One more thing. We are also working on scheduling time to weld the shop containers together. This will require a lot of help and anyone who knows how to weld or has a welder that could be used are encouraged to contact Robby and let him know. As for scheduling we are looking at both weekday and weekend availability.
How about a new video of the 2022 Train Mountain Triennial
Now that you’ve seen what it was like in 2015. Here is a video posted on SteamAholic’s YouTube channel show us just some of what is going on this year at the Triennial.
Now that you’ve seen what it was like in 2015. Here is a video posted on SteamAholic’s YouTube channel show us just some of what is going on this year at the Triennial.
A look back at some of the structures at the 2015 Triennial at Train Mountain in Chiloquin, Oregon
Closing out our trip down memory late to the 2015 Train Mountain Triennial here are some great pictures of some of the structures can be found around the railroad. Hope to catch a ride out to Train Mountain in 2025 for the next Triennial.
Closing out our trip down memory late to the 2015 Train Mountain Triennial here are some great pictures of some of the structures can be found around the railroad. Hope to catch a ride out to Train Mountain in 2025 for the next Triennial.
A look back at some of the locomotives at the 2015 Triennial at Train Mountain in Chiloquin, Oregon
Here is a look at some of the locomotives at the 2015 Triennial as we look back while the 2022 Triennial is in full swing. Many of our members couldn’t make it out this year but wanted to still share some of the great pictures from this unbelievable railroad.
Here are a few pictures of some of the locomotives at the 2015 Triennial.
Here is a look at some of the locomotives at the 2015 Triennial as we look back while the 2022 Triennial is in full swing. Many of our members couldn’t make it out this year but wanted to still share some of the great pictures from this unbelievable railroad.
Here are a few pictures of some of the locomotives at the 2015 Triennial.
Big Week for the Live Steam Hobby with the Train Mountain Triennial work week in full swing
Every three years hundreds of people in the live steam hobby make a journey out to Chiloquin, Oregon for the Train Mountain Triennial. This is a two week event which encompasses working the railroad and playing at the same time. The fellowship and friends created across the hobby is an amazing experience for sure. One of the other things that makes this railroad so unique is the nearly 40 miles of track with one route taking nearly 4 hours round trip. This week marks the first week of the Triennial with a focus on working the railroad during the day and playing in the evening while the second week is pretty much all play. Here are some pictures taken back in 2015 when many of our members went out to the Triennial.
Every three years hundreds of people in the live steam hobby make a journey out to Chiloquin, Oregon for the Train Mountain Triennial. This is a two week event which encompasses working the railroad and playing at the same time. The fellowship and friends created across the hobby is an amazing experience for sure. One of the other things that makes this railroad so unique is the nearly 40 miles of track with one route taking nearly 4 hours round trip. This week marks the first week of the Triennial with a focus on working the railroad during the day and playing in the evening while the second week is pretty much all play. Here are some pictures taken back in 2015 during week one of the event when many of our members went out to the Triennial.
Pictures from 2015
Reminder: Special member rolling stock maintenance day planned for Saturday, July 9th at 8:30 a.m.
One of our very own needs help performing maintenance on his trains. As many of you know Dan loves to haul the public with his train and many passenger cars and other rolling stock and because of this some required maintenance is needed before he can continue to share what he enjoys with everyone in a safe manner. We are organizing a couple of workdays between now and the fall to help get his train back on track and fully operational. This will also provide a great opportunity for those that haven’t had a chance to work on equipment an opportunity to learn and get dirty in the process.
One of our very own needs help performing maintenance on his trains. As many of you know Dan loves to haul the public with his train and many passenger cars and other rolling stock and because of this some required maintenance is needed before he can continue to share what he enjoys with everyone in a safe manner. We are organizing a couple of workdays between now and the fall to help get his train back on track and fully operational. This will also provide a great opportunity for those that haven’t had a chance to work on equipment an opportunity to learn and get dirty in the process.
Just so we know who is available please respond below so we can identify how many people are available so we can plan on what we can get accomplished during the workday.
As a special request for anyone that is good with electronics and wiring will also need some assistance re-wiring Dan’s control box on his locomotive as it broke again during our last run day.
Club Meeting and Club Fun Day - Saturday, June 4th
Our June club fun day and club meeting will be on Saturday, June 4th. The club fun day starts as early as you want with a brief club meeting at 1 p.m. Bring family and friends out for the day an enjoy the railroad and lost of playtime. Plus don’t forget our first official Father’s Day Club Fun Day on Saturday, June 21st.
As with all of our club fun days this is NOT a public run day.
Our June club fun day and club meeting will be on Saturday, June 4th. The club fun day starts as early as you want with a brief club meeting at 1 p.m. Bring family and friends out for the day an enjoy the railroad and lost of playtime. Plus don’t forget our first official Father’s Day Club Fun Day on Saturday, June 21st.
Impromptu Workday recap for Saturday, May 28th
A small crew went to the site this past weekend to take out some trees in preparation of the next member container. The crew consisted of Wes, Brandon, Norm, Ben, and “Bob”. Some more work is still needed to finish preparing the site, but the guys are getting close. The crew will be looking for some help building track panels in the coming weeks along with figuring out exactly how the track will be laid out. More details to come.
A small crew went to the site this past weekend to take out some trees in preparation of the next member container. The crew consisted of Wes, Brandon, Norm, Ben, and “Bob”. Some more work is still needed to finish preparing the site, but the guys are getting close. The crew will be looking for some help building track panels in the coming weeks along with figuring out exactly how the track will be laid out. More details to come.
What a great day running trains as our 2022 season continues on
We would like to thank everyone who came out and enjoyed the railroad with us on Saturday, May 21st. The railroad saw another great turnout from family and friends all across the greater Atlanta area. Here are some photos from the day and mark your calendar for Saturday, October 1st as the railroad comes alive again this fall.
We would like to thank everyone who came out and enjoyed the railroad with us on Saturday, May 21st. The railroad saw another great turnout from family and friends all across the greater Atlanta area. Here are some photos from the day and mark your calendar for Saturday, October 1st as the railroad comes alive again this fall.
Come ride trains on Saturday, May 21st from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The railroad comes alive again on Saturday, May 21st from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The volunteers have been hard at work over during the winter months making improvements to the railroad and working on a few rail cars along. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards.
The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage
The railroad comes alive again on Saturday, May 21st from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The volunteers have been hard at work over during the winter months making improvements to the railroad and working on a few rail cars along. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards.
The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage
Correction - Come out and check out what is going on around the railroad during our next regularly scheduled workday
Ever wonder what happens around the railroad during a workday? Come out on Saturday, May 14th and catch us working around the property as we prepare for our next public run day. The plan at this time is do some grass cutting and railroad and equipment maintenance during our time at the railroad.
If you have any questions please contact Robby Mossman at secretary@northgeorgialivesteamers.org
Ever wonder what happens around the railroad during a workday? Come out on Saturday, May 14th and catch us working around the property as we prepare for our next public run day. The plan at this time is do some grass cutting and railroad and equipment maintenance during our time at the railroad.
If you have any questions please contact Robby Mossman at secretary@northgeorgialivesteamers.org
First public run day of 2022 is in the books
This past Saturday, April 30th marked the first time since we had a spring public run day since 2019. Thank you to all the visitors, club members, and volunteers who came out and made the day such a big hit. We gave nearly 700 rides over the course of 3 1/2 hours with three steam engines and two diesel locomotives throughout the afternoon. Here are a few pictures from the day and we look forward to seeing everyone at our next public train ride day on Saturday, May 21st from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
This past Saturday, April 30th marked the first time since we had a spring public run day since 2019. Thank you to all the visitors, club members, and volunteers who came out and made the day such a big hit. We gave nearly 700 rides over the course of 3 1/2 hours with three steam engines and two diesel locomotives throughout the afternoon. Here are a few pictures from the day and we look forward to seeing everyone at our next public train ride day on Saturday, May 21st from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Here is a quick series of videos of one of our locomotives hauling passengers this past weekend. The video is of a 2-8-4 Berkshire locomotive which is modeled after real the 757 Nickle Plate Railroad steam engine which is currently undergoing a cosmetic restoration project at The Mad River & Nickle Plate Railroad Museum. For more information visit https://www.madrivermuseum.org/757/updates.html.
Workday scheduled for this Saturday, April 23rd starting at 8:30 a.m.
We are in the final days before the railroad opens for the 2022 season. Come out and give us a hand this Saturday, April 23rd to clean up from all the spring storms, check the railroad, and have a little fun along the way. We will break for a brief club meeting at 1 p.m. This is a perfect opportunity for anyone wanting to learn more about our group, the railroad, or the hobby to talk with our members and have a little fun along the way.
You might wonder what happens during a workday. For this one we will be cleaning up around the railroad, cutting grass, and pulling out railroad equipment and perform safety checks just to name a few things that will be done on Saturday.
The April club meeting will take place at 1 p.m.
We are in the final days before the railroad opens for the 2022 season. Come out and give us a hand this Saturday, April 23rd to clean up from all the spring storms, check the railroad, and have a little fun along the way. We will break for a brief club meeting at 1 p.m. This is a perfect opportunity for anyone wanting to learn more about our group, the railroad, or the hobby to talk with our members and have a little fun along the way.
You might wonder what happens during a workday. For this one we will be cleaning up around the railroad, cutting grass, and pulling out railroad equipment and perform safety checks just to name a few things that will be done on Saturday.
The April club meeting will take place at 1 p.m.
Come ride trains on Saturday, April 30th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The railroad comes alive for the first time in 2022 on Saturday, April 30th. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The volunteers have been hard at work over during the winter months making improvements to the railroad and working on a few rail cars along. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards.
The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage
The railroad comes alive for the first time in 2022 on Saturday, April 30th. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The volunteers have been hard at work over during the winter months making improvements to the railroad and working on a few rail cars along. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards.
The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage
Workday scheduled and Club Meeting on Saturday, April 16th
Our first public run day of the year is approaching, and we need to finish cleaning up around the railroad and making sure any last-minute repairs are completed. Make sure you bring normal track tools, hard equipment (weed eater, riding lawn mower, etc.). Don’t forget to bring bug spray, safety goggles, water, lunch, and a good sense of humor.
The April club meeting will take place at 1 p.m.
Our first public run day of the year is approaching, and we need to finish cleaning up around the railroad and making sure any last-minute repairs are completed. Make sure you bring normal track tools, hard equipment (weed eater, riding lawn mower, etc.). Don’t forget to bring bug spray, safety goggles, water, lunch, and a good sense of humor.
The April club meeting will take place at 1 p.m.
Club Fun Day and Meeting (New Time)- Saturday, April 2, 2022
Come out and enjoy in our spring awakening club fun day on Saturday, April 2, 2022. All locomotive types are welcome. Our normal April meeting time will move to 10 a.m. in order to accommodate some special visits we will have later in the day.
If you know someone who would like to visit the railroad and even bring a train, please have them visit our Club Fun Day page for more information. Please note this is NOT a public run day.
Come out and enjoy in our spring awakening club fun day on Saturday, April 2, 2022. All locomotive types are welcome. Our normal April meeting time will move to 10 a.m. in order to accommodate some special visits we will have later in the day.
If you know someone who would like to visit the railroad and even bring a train, please have them visit our Club Fun Day page for more information. Please note this is NOT a public run day.
Club Fun Day Schedule
Spring Cleaning workday this Saturday, March 19th & Board of Director meeting
Our spring-cleaning workday will be this Saturday, March 19th starting at 8:30 a.m. The plan is to clean up around the property, perform track and equipment maintenance, organize the containers, and whatever else we can find to take care of around the railroad.
The more we get done the sooner we can enjoy the railroad during our second club fun day of the year on Saturday, April 2nd. Make sure you bring a lunch, plenty of water, and a good sense of humor.
The Board of Directors will also be holding a meeting at 11 a.m. Any member is welcome to observe the meeting. Note that this meeting is different than our general club meeting, which is scheduled for Saturday, April 2nd at 1 p.m.
Our spring-cleaning workday will be this Saturday, March 19th starting at 8:30 a.m. The plan is to clean up around the property, perform track and equipment maintenance, organize the containers, and whatever else we can find to take care of around the railroad.
The more we get done the sooner we can enjoy the railroad during our second club fun day of the year on Saturday, April 2nd. Make sure you bring a lunch, plenty of water, and a good sense of humor.
The Board of Directors will also be holding a meeting at 11 a.m. Any member is welcome to observe the meeting. Note that this meeting is different than our general club meeting, which is scheduled for Saturday, April 2nd at 1 p.m.
Spring Cleaning workday has been rescheduled to Saturday, March 19th (NEW DATE)
Because of weather we are rescheduling our spring cleaning workday to Saturday, March 19th at 8:30 a.m. When we do get together the goal of our spring cleaning remains to perform track & equipment maintenance, organize the containers and clean up around the property as we prepare for our 2022 season. The more we get done now the sooner we can enjoy the railroad during our second club fun day of the year on Saturday, April 2nd.
Because of weather we are rescheduling our spring cleaning workday to Saturday, March 19th at 8:30 a.m. When we do get together the goal of our spring cleaning remains to perform track & equipment maintenance, organize the containers and clean up around the property as we prepare for our 2022 season. The more we get done now the sooner we can enjoy the railroad during our second club fun day of the year on Saturday, April 2nd.