Reminder: "Bring A Friend" workday is scheduled for Saturday, July 24th at 8:30 a.m.
The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “bring a friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.

The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “Bring A Friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.
If you are reading this and are not a member but would like to come out and help, please do not hesitate to join us. For more information about our workday please feel free to contact Robby or Norm for more details.
Make sure to bring battery powered tools, 5/16 socket for drill, knee pads, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
Be prepared to be on the ground and on your knees
2021 Project Recap
"Bring A Friend" workday is scheduled for Saturday, July 24th at 8:30 a.m.
The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “bring a friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.

The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “Bring A Friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.
If you are reading this and are not a member but would like to come out and help, please do not hesitate to join us. For more information about our workday please feel free to contact Robby or Norm for more details.
Make sure to bring battery powered tools, knee pads, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
2021 Project Recap
Big push to complete the passenger line project
It is amazing how much we have completed over the past year on the passenger line project. On July 25, 2020, we started the project with the installation of the bypass switch. By the end of August 2020 work was in full swing on the east side of the railroad with work on the bypass from the outer loop and installation of a switch and panels from the inner loop heading towards the railroads first diamond.
As we move into September of 2020, we picked up momentum with the installation of the diamond work progressed fast as we moved our efforts beyond the diamond and started laying track that would represent the passenger line. Once it was all said and done, we had laid nearly 200 feet of track and well on our way to the grade crossing that would later be installed in 2021.
It is amazing how much we have completed over the past year on the passenger line project. On July 25, 2020, we started the project with the installation of the bypass switch.
By the end of August work was in full swing on the east side of the railroad with work on the bypass from the outer loop and installation of a switch and panels from the inner loop heading towards the railroads first diamond.
As we move into September of 2020, we picked up momentum with the installation of the diamond work progressed fast as we moved our efforts beyond the diamond and started laying track that would represent the passenger line. Once it was all said and done, we had laid nearly 200 feet of track and well on our way to the grade crossing that would later be installed in 2021.
So, if you made it to the end of this timeline you might be asking what is next. As of July 2nd, we are 90 days away from the planned re-opening of the railroad with our first public run day since 2019. We are also about 250 feet away from completing the track work to complete the passenger line. We have five official workdays planned between now and October 2nd creating a tight schedule to complete everything. As you plan your next few months please consider coming out and helping us push forward to complete this project. Every set of hands will get us closer to completing this project ahead of our October reopening.
If you have any questions or would like to organize a weekday or weekend workday outside of what is already scheduled please contact Norm or Robby. For those that are reading this and are not part of our club and are interested in volunteering and learning more about our organization please feel free to come out during one of our workdays. If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Robby for more details.
Hope to see you around the railroad soon.
Are you looking for something to do this summer? We are looking for volunteers to help us finish a few things.
North Georgia Live Steamers is looking for some volunteers this summer. As we work on reopening this fall as the area and the world move forward from the pandemic, we have been busy on a few projects. We are in the home stretch of a major railroad project and could use some extra hands, machinery, and encouragement to complete this project by the end of the summer.
Over the past two years we have been working on expanding the railroad so we can handle more traffic, riders, and just make the overall experience that much better. Over many Saturdays this summer a crew will be at the site working on the last 300-feet of track and could use some extra hands.
North Georgia Live Steamers is looking for some volunteers this summer. As we work on reopening this fall as the area and the world move forward from the pandemic, we have been busy on a few projects. We are in the home stretch of a major railroad project and could use some extra hands, machinery, and encouragement to complete this project by the end of the summer.
Over the past two years we have been working on expanding the railroad so we can handle more traffic, riders, and just make the overall experience that much better. Over many Saturdays this summer a crew will be at the site working on the last 300-feet of track and could use some extra hands.
If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about the project, please reach out to Robby our Club Secretary for more details on how you can get involved. No experience necessary just a willingness to get involved. If you are unable to volunteer and would like to make a donation to help us complete the project your consideration would be appreciated.
Things to bring on a workday:
Plenty of water
A lunch
Cordless drills
Good sense of humor
Sun Screen
March out reach from North Georgia Live Steamers
This is Robby Mossman again from North Georgia Live Steamers. I reached out to you a few weeks ago letting you know about our 2021 plans to reach out to other clubs and railroads in the southeast in hopes of better awareness of what is going on in the hobby. This is a follow up to my original email and you may remember our goal in 2021 is to visit more railroads around the southeast and invite others to come visit our railroad. Our next club fun day is scheduled for Saturday, April 3rd and would love to have you and others from your club and railroad join us on this day. As a note our club fun days and our Fall Meet will not be part of our Public Run Days which we use to help raise the necessary funds to support the railroad.
This is Robby Mossman again from North Georgia Live Steamers. I reached out to you a few weeks ago letting you know about our 2021 plans to reach out to other clubs and railroads in the southeast in hopes of better awareness of what is going on in the hobby. This is a follow up to my original email and you may remember our goal in 2021 is to visit more railroads around the southeast and invite others to come visit our railroad. Our next club fun day is scheduled for Saturday, April 3rd and would love to have you and others from your club and railroad join us on this day. As a note our club fun days and our Fall Meet will not be part of our Public Run Days which we use to help raise the necessary funds to support the railroad.
Our club members look forward to getting to know you, your members, and hopefully your railroad this year. We ask that you forward this email to others in the hobby to help spread the word. If you have any questions about this email or what we are doing, please feel free to contact me at any time. My contact information is below.
Robby Mossman, Secretary
North Georgia Live Steamers
Live Steam Club Outreach
My name is Robby Mossman, and I am the Secretary at North Georgia Live Steamers which is located just east of Atlanta just in case you aren’t familiar with us. We are working on reaching out to other clubs and railroads in hopes of creating better awareness of what is going on in the live steam hobby for our members. Our goal in 2021 is to visit more railroads around the southeast and invite others to come visit our railroad as well. We are about to publish our calendar which will show several Club Fun Days and our first ever Fall Meet.

My name is Robby Mossman, and I am the Secretary at North Georgia Live Steamers which is located just east of Atlanta just in case you aren’t familiar with us. We are working on reaching out to other clubs and railroads in hopes of creating better awareness of what is going on in the live steam hobby for our members. Our goal in 2021 is to visit more railroads around the southeast and invite others to come visit our railroad as well. This is of course somewhat dependent on what else is going on around us with COVID. We recently publish our calendar which will show several Club Fun Days and our first ever Fall Meet. We would love to have you and others you know in the hobby come out and enjoy the railroad with us during one of those days. The dates for our Club Fun Days this year will be April 3rd, June 5th, August 28th (night run), and October 2nd. Our first ever Fall Meet will be October 22nd - 24th.
As a note our Club Fun Days and our Fall Meet will not be part of our Public Run Days which we use to help raise the necessary funds to support the railroad.
Our club members look forward to getting to know you, your members, and hopefully your railroad next year. We ask that you forward this email to others in the hobby to help spread the word. If you have any questions about this email or what we are doing, please feel free to contact me at any time. My contact information is below.
Robby Mossman, Secretary
North Georgia Live Steamers