Our third workday of the week sees more items being taken care of around the railroad.
The third day of our work week saw more progress on a number of items around the railroad including repairs on the club steamer and clubhouse and workshop project. The injectors were returned after being cleaned and the first sixteen feet of wall and ceiling are now installed into the clubhouse and workshop space.

The third day of our work week saw more progress on a number of items around the railroad including repairs on the club steamer and clubhouse and workshop project. Bob C was onsite in the morning and brought back the injectors for the club steamer after taking them home and cleaning them. He also mentioned that the water filter may not have a crack in it after all. He is looking into what is going on but feels it may have been screwed in incorrectly causing the filter not to have a good seal. The clubhouse and workshop project also saw more progress as the crew, which consisted of Wes, Robby, and Norm, finished installing 16 feet of wall and ceiling. The crew is planning on wiring the electrical panel and paint the new walls and ceiling on Friday. If you are free on Friday, the crew could use some extra help and will be starting at 9 a.m.
Don’t forget to join us on Saturday, April 6th for our major workday as we prepare the railroad for our season opener along with our club meeting. The workday portion of the day starts at 8:30 a.m. with our club meeting at 1 p.m. Our Saturday plan is to clean up the property, oil switches, organize containers, add more gravel along the new retaining wall, and more.
If you are looking for a project to volunteer for here is a partial list of items, we are looking for help on:
Oil all switches.
Cut grass and weed eat around the fence line.
Add additional crusher run and gravel against the new retaining wall near the Nicol bridge.
Pickup all construction items around the railroad.
Inspect track for any repairs needed and perform the repairs
Clean and organize the grey container.
Clean and organize the red container.
Test Signal System (new batteries have been ordered).
Help finish painting the steaming bays.
If you can think of anything else, please feel free to take the project on and let everyone know.
Day 2 of Weekday Workday sees pressure washing, painting, and framing.
Another weekday workday complete with lots of work done around the railroad. The day saw drainpipes installed, walls built, steaming bays painted, pressure washing, and more.
If you are available to come out and help or take on a project the crew plans on starting around 9 a.m. on Wednesday, April 3rd.

Another weekday workday complete with lots of work done around the railroad. The day started out with Wes installing two drainpipes in the area that is part of the “Grandma Line” project. While Gene worked on cleaning and painting most of the steaming bays with more to be completed on Saturday. Dave L. was busy pressure washing the concrete at the turntable and pressure washing the picnic tables under the Breeseway. Things are really coming together around the property with much work to be done between now and Saturday.
The Clubhouse and Workshop project also saw some more progress as Norm, Wes, and Robby continued work on framing and building out walls and ceiling in the first container. They also got some extra help as Scott stopped by for a few minutes and helped us install the breaker panel. More volunteer and club members will be at the site again on Wednesday to continue working on various projects around the property. If you are available to come out and help or take on a project the crew plans on starting around 9 a.m. on Wednesday.
If you are looking for a project to volunteer for here is a partial list of items, we are looking for help on:
Oil all switches.
Cut grass and weed eat around the fence line.
Add additional crusher run and 57 gravel against the new retaining wall near the Nicol bridge.
Pickup all construction items around the railroad.
Inspect track for any repairs needed and perform the repairs
Clean and organize the grey container.
Clean and organize the red container.
Test Signal System (new batteries have been ordered).
Help finish painting the steaming bays.
If you can think of anything else, please feel free to take the project on and let everyone know.
Clubhouse and Workshop makes a step forward during latest work day.
The beginning of the workweek brought progress on the clubhouse and workshop project as Norm, Wes, and Robby began framing the first of many walls in the containers. Once the first wall is completed an electrical panel will be installed and we will have electricity in the container. This will help make future work obviously easier and get us a step closer to having a clubhouse and workshop at the site. A lot of work and money is needed to complete the project, but we are well on our way. The crew will be back at it on Tuesday, April 2nd at 9 a.m. as they continue to work on framing walls and ceilings in the first container.
The beginning of the workweek brought progress on the clubhouse and workshop project as Norm, Wes, and Robby began framing the first of many walls in the containers. Once the first wall is completed an electrical panel will be installed and we will have electricity in the container. This will help make future work obviously easier and get us a step closer to having a clubhouse and workshop at the site. A lot of work and money is needed to complete the project, but we are well on our way. The crew will be back at it on Tuesday, April 2nd at 9 a.m. as they continue to work on framing walls and ceilings in the first container.
Unofficial workday produced more progress on preparing the railroad and club steamer for operation.
On Saturday, March 30th we had members out at the railroad with a few items on the to do list to complete. One of the items on the list included testing some of the most recent repairs on the club steamers. The crew was able to get the club steamer out and ran a little bit where they identified a couple of new items that will need to be addressed before the locomotive is operational.

On Saturday, March 30th we had members out at the railroad with a few items on the to do list to complete. One of the items on the list included testing some of the most recent repairs on the club steamers. The crew was able to get the club steamer out and ran a little bit where they identified a couple of new items that will need to be addressed before the locomotive is operational. One of the new items includes one of the water filters has developed a crack most likely because of water being left in the filter and freezing during the winter months. It was also determined the steam brakes are also in need of some attention as the cylinder is losing a lot of steam when activate. Bob also took the injectors home for cleaning and will be bringing them back in the next week or two. A plan to repair the steam brakes is being discussed. If you are interested in getting involved with the club steamer let us know. No experience necessary just an interested in learning and getting involved.
Meanwhile, fine tuning of the water line track and switches were performed by Robby, Norm, and Gene. The team made an adjustment to the new curved switch by adding longer frog guards and regauged and leveled a couple of the original switches on the mainline. They also worked on leveling and ballasting some other areas of the west end inner loop. Ethel also stopped by and worked on cleaning up the picnic tables under the Breeseway. She reports much more cleaning is needed.
Exciting progress made on several projects during our Saturday, March 23, 2024, workday.
Another Friday evening rain leads to great weather on Saturday as more work was done on the “Grandma Line”, water line extension, and the new retaining wall. The crew took a divide and conquer approach to projects starting finishing the new retaining wall then moving to the water line extension project. We had a special visitor “Bob Jr” who helped bring dirt in for the “Grandma Line” area.
Another Friday evening rain leads to great weather on Saturday as more work was done on the “Grandma Line”, water line extension, and the new retaining wall. The crew took a divide and conquer approach to projects starting with Wes and Scott finishing the new retaining wall then moving to the water line extension project with Robby and John.
Wes also jumped in and help build a temporary crossing so Rick and “Bob Jr” could start bringing in dirt for the “Grandma Line”. Rick spent most of the morning bringing in load after load into the area to fill in many of the low spots we have in the area. The first layer of dirt will settle the next few weeks with more dirt to be brought in later which will also require time for the dirt to settle and compact. Overall, the great news is the “Grandma Line” has made a great deal of progress the past couple of weeks and if all goes well this year, we could get this line completed by fall. If you are looking to get involved, we need track panels and a switch built.
The crew also worked on ballasting both ends of the water line extension and spent time realigning the existing water line track and adding additional ballast. During our next workday the water line track will begin to operate as a mainline for traffic traveling east on the railroad. This will also allow west bound traffic to move over to the track next to the water line and begin traveling across the “LaVay Bridge”. More details on the changes to the railroad operations in the coming weeks.
As the day was wrapping up John and Wes took time to make additional changes to the railroad tie wall near the east end of what will become the “Grandma Line”. They swapped out a couple of bad ties with newer ones and will begin the process of bringing in dirt and other material to secure the wall and prepare the ground for future roadbed through that area.
A lot of progress was made on Saturday even though it was an unscheduled workday
Another beautiful day of weather allowed for unexpected progress on several projects around the railroad. The crew worked on the retaining wall and track work. Check out the details by reading more about the day.

Because of unexpected progress on the retaining wall earlier in the week a small group went out to the site to work on the retaining wall along with a few other big items. The group, which consisted of Gene, Wes, Robby, and Norm took advantage of the great weather and work on the retaining wall earlier this week to finish installing the wall and fencing. The wall still has some additional work that needs to be finished which includes bringing in crusher run and gravel in order to firm up the ground between the track and the wall. The plan is to complete this step during our next official workday, which is Saturday, March 23rd at 8:30 a.m. We will need people to bring wheelbarrows and shovels in order to bring many loads from the pile over to the wall.
The crew also finished building a switch for the west end of the water line and even got it installed. The crew also moved a switch off the mainline close to the east end of the mainline. The switch was moved to the east end of the water line which will also connect the “Grandma Line” at some point in the future. With the installation of the switches on each end of the water line extension this will allow the railroad to use water line as a mainline and allow traffic traveling from east to west across the main crossing to continue to travel straight and actually not travel through the yard and more. However, before that can happen, we have some finishing work to be completed which includes ballasting all of the new water line extension track and gauge and ballast the existing water line track so it can be used with mainline traffic. The plan is complete this during our next regularly scheduled workday, which is this Saturday, March 23rd at 8:30 a.m. This work will need to be completed before our first public run day which is Saturday, April 13th.

The crew took the last few minutes of the day and installed a board in between the rails on the west end of what will become an access point for the “Grandma Line” for “Bob”. Weather permitting, we are planning on completing the temporary crossing area soon so dirt and other material can be brought in to the “Grandma Line” job site. Be on the lookout for additional details on what additional help may be needed for this project.
One final note about future planned workday events. We have a special work week planned for April 1st through 5th. The plan during the week is to work on the clubhouse and workshop container project. We will be building a stud wall in the first container so we can complete the electrical panel installation and get power into the container. This will allow us to have what is needed in the container for future workdays to begin the next phase of work which includes building out more internal walls in the first two containers as our clubhouse and workshop space begins to take shape. Other items are planned and if you are available to come out one or more days during the week, please let us know.
Our next club meeting is Saturday, April 6th at 1 p.m. and our first Public Run Day Prep Day will also take place on Saturday, April 6th.
Nicol bridge retaining wall project made surprise progress on Wednesday.
On Wednesday Wes and Norm stopped by the site and worked on cutting the container side panels that are going to be used to build a retaining wall west of the Nicol bridge. The pair not only cut the panels but also placed the fence posts in the ground and will be fastening the panels to the posts soon. While we don’t have an official workday planned for this weekend if you are available this weekend a crew is planning on being onsite to work on the wall starting at 8:30 a.m. If you are able to come out this Saturday to help, be aware that a big event will happening at the Steeplechase so approach the area with caution and let the traffic details know you are going to the railroad.
On Wednesday Wes and Norm stopped by the site and worked on cutting the container side panels that are going to be used to build a retaining wall west of the Nicol bridge. The pair not only cut the panels but also placed the fence posts in the ground and will be fastening the panels to the posts soon. While we don’t have an official workday planned for this weekend if you are available this weekend a crew is planning on being onsite to work on the wall starting at 8:30 a.m. If you are able to come out this Saturday to help, be aware that a big event will happening at the Steeplechase so approach the area with caution and let the traffic details know you are going to the railroad.
One final note about future planned workday events. We have a special work week planned for April 1st through 5th. The plan during the week is work on the clubhouse and workshop container project. We will be building a stud wall in the first container so we can complete the electrical panel installation and get power into the container. This will allow us to have what is needed in the container for future workdays to begin the next phase of work which includes building out more internal walls in the first two containers as our clubhouse and workshop space begins to finally take shape. Other items are planned and if you are available to come out one or more days, please let us know.
Our next club meeting is Saturday, April 6th at 1 p.m. and our first Public Run Day Prep Day will also take place on Saturday, April 6th.
Friday Nights Rain didn’t keep some from working on Saturday, March 9th
Friday’s overnight rain didn’t deter a small group from showing up Saturday morning for a workday. John, Wes, and Scott started out early Saturday morning by taking care of some items with the “Grandma Line”. They worked on the retaining wall which also means they had to haul in dirt and gravel with wheelbarrows. Robby showed up and brought back one of the new club riding cars to the site. He spent the past few months cleaning and repainting the car while Norm cleaned up the trucks. The riding car is now ready for operation for the 2024 season.
The crew also worked on plans for the retaining wall that needs to be installed near the west end of the Nicol bridge.

Friday’s overnight rain didn’t deter a small group from showing up Saturday morning for a workday. John, Wes, and Scott started out early Saturday morning by taking care of some items with the “Grandma Line”. They worked on the retaining wall which also means they had to haul in dirt and gravel with wheelbarrows. Robby showed up and brought back one of the new club riding cars to the site. He spent the past few months cleaning and repainting the car while Norm cleaned up the trucks. The riding car is now ready for operation for the 2024 season.
The crew also worked on plans for the retaining wall that needs to be installed near the west end of the Nicol bridge. We are going to take the end pieces that came out of the grey container project from a couple of years ago and cut them down to about 16 inches tall so we can then use them as part of the retaining wall structure. The plan is to get them cut and ready for installation by Saturday, March 23rd. We will need help hauling dirt and gravel using wheelbarrows to the retaining wall in order to complete this project. We will also be installing about 100 feet of fencing as well. Because this project needs to be completed before our April run day, we will also be doing work on Saturday, March 30th to finish this and other projects.
If all of this wasn’t enough the real fun part of the day was when John and Wes started working on the west end water line extension by figuring out a way to work smarter and not harder. The pair had been using two wagons to bring crush and run to the work area which was a slow process. The two put their heads together and decided to leverage the new little electric switch to bring material to John while Wes loaded the wagons. You have to watch the videos to really appreciate the great use of this new switcher and pulling of wagons full of material back and forth to the job site. Needless to say, this approach saved John and Wes a great deal of time. Scott jumped in and helped by operating the locomotives wireless controller from the comfort of well his chair.
John and Robby also spent time walking the “Grandma Line” as the area will see some major progress in the next month or so. The plan is to install a temporary crossing on the west end so a bobcat can bring dirt and other supplies into the area. Weather permitting this will take place by the end of March and will really allow this project to pick up steam. Keep an eye out for updates on what John and Wes will be working on next. This is a great opportunity to get involved.
Other photos from The day
Here is a list of current workdays and projects on the calendar for the month and beyond.
Over the course of the month, we plan on working on a project or two around the railroad. In order to give everyone a chance to find a project they are interested in helping with we are sending out monthly emails listing projects and other activities going on around the railroad. Don’t forget to invite family, friends, neighbors, and anyone you know who likes trains. For more details about some of the projects we are working on click on the “Railroad Project List” button below for a complete list. Don’t forget to bring tools, lunch, plenty to drink, and a good sense of humor. Don’t forget we have other fun days planned throughout the month and year as well so don’t forget to visit our calendar page for a complete list of everything going on around the railroad.

Over the course of the month, we plan on working on a project or two around the railroad. In order to give everyone a chance to find a project they are interested in helping with we are sending out monthly emails listing projects and other activities going on around the railroad. Don’t forget to invite family, friends, neighbors, and anyone you know who likes trains. For more details about some of the projects we are working on click on the “Railroad Project List” button below for a complete list. Don’t forget to bring tools, lunch, plenty to drink, and a good sense of humor. Don’t forget we have other fun days planned throughout the month and year as well so don’t forget to visit our calendar page for a complete list of everything going on around the railroad.
All Dates are subject to change and weather conditions
Grandma Line and Water Line Project Update - February 24, 2024
The Grandma Line and Water Line project made progress over the weekend as more fill was put in on the east end of the Grandma Line while on the west end a switch off the mainline was installed that will connect the water line to the mainline in a new location. Additional work is scheduled to complete so that the water line can be used as a mainline in the coming months.
The Grandma Line and Water Line project made progress over the weekend as more fill was put in on the east end of the Grandma Line while on the west end a switch off the mainline was installed that will connect the water line to the mainline in a new location. Additional work is scheduled to complete so that the water line can be used as a mainline in the coming months.
Major workday recap for Saturday, February 24, 2024
What an incredible workday we had on Saturday. The weather was incredible, and we had more than a dozen volunteers come out which made the day a huge success. Because of the turnout we completed the major track repair on the west end of the railroad along with installing a new switch on the mainline near the west end of the water line. The crew consisted of John T, John, Calvin, Scott, Robby, Peter, Gene, Rick, Ben, Thomas, Paul, Tyler, Norm, Dale, and “Bob III”. The crew also took care of building more than a dozen straight panels for the “Grandma Line” and started building a new switch as well. Rick and “Bob III” took care of leveling the gravel near member container 3 which means we can now schedule the move of the blue container. They also cleaned up a trench that had been dug during our electrical project workday a few weeks ago.
What an incredible workday we had on Saturday. The weather was incredible, and we had more than a dozen volunteers come out which made the day a huge success. Because of the turnout we completed the major track repair on the west end of the railroad along with installing a new switch on the mainline near the west end of the water line. The crew consisted of John T, John, Calvin, Scott, Robby, Peter, Gene, Rick, Ben, Thomas, Paul, Tyler, Norm, Dale, and “Bob III”. The crew also took care of building more than a dozen straight panels for the “Grandma Line” and started building a new switch as well. Rick and “Bob III” took care of leveling the gravel near member container 3 which means we can now schedule the move of the blue container. They also cleaned up a trench that had been dug during our electrical project workday a few weeks ago.
With all that was done an update to our March workday plans will be updated to include plans for our next project including some work on the clubhouse and shop project. A big thank you to everyone who came out because nothing happens without our members and volunteers.
A surprise work weekend for one of our members this past weekend. Check out the activity.
You never know when someone might show up unexpectedly and do some work around the railroad. This weekend John stop by for the weekend and did some work on the grandma line along with some artwork on member container #4.
Don’t forget about our next official workday, which is this Saturday, February 24th as we perform some major railroad repairs on the west end of the railroad starting at 8:30 a.m.
You never know when someone might show up unexpectedly and do some work around the railroad. This weekend John stop by for the weekend and did some work on the grandma line along with some artwork on member container #4.
Don’t forget about our next official workday, which is this Saturday, February 24th as we perform some major railroad repairs on the west end of the railroad starting at 8:30 a.m.
Get involved in the "Grandma Line" project
Are you looking for a winter project around the railroad you can get involved in? The “Grandma Line” project team is looking for volunteers to come out and help make some major progress on the long talked about “Grandma Line.” If you are interested in help please contact John T. for more information regarding the workday schedule. The crew will need help with everything from building track panels, switches, moving dirt, and building a retaining wall. Opportunities for everyone to get involved.
This is just one of several projects going on around the railroad this winter so don’t hesitate to get involved.
Are you looking for a winter project around the railroad you can get involved in? The “Grandma Line” project team is looking for volunteers to come out and help make some major progress on the long talked about “Grandma Line.” If you are interested in help please contact John T. for more information regarding the workday schedule. The crew will need help with everything from building track panels, switches, moving dirt, and building a retaining wall. Opportunities for everyone to get involved.
This is just one of several projects going on around the railroad this winter so don’t hesitate to get involved.
Here is a list of current workdays and projects on the calendar for the month and beyond.
Over the course of the month, we plan on working on a project or two around the railroad. In order to give everyone a chance to find a project they are interested in helping with we are sending out monthly emails listing projects and other activities going on around the railroad. Don’t forget to invite family, friends, neighbors, and anyone you know who likes trains. For more details about some of the projects we are working on click on the “Railroad Project List” button below for a complete list. Don’t forget to bring tools, lunch, plenty to drink, and a good sense of humor. Don’t forget we have other fun days planned throughout the month and year as well so don’t forget to visit our calendar page for a complete list of everything going on around the railroad.
Over the course of the month, we plan on working on a project or two around the railroad. In order to give everyone a chance to find a project they are interested in helping with we are sending out monthly emails listing projects and other activities going on around the railroad. Don’t forget to invite family, friends, neighbors, and anyone you know who likes trains. For more details about some of the projects we are working on click on the “Railroad Project List” button below for a complete list. Don’t forget to bring tools, lunch, plenty to drink, and a good sense of humor. Don’t forget we have other fun days planned throughout the month and year as well so don’t forget to visit our calendar page for a complete list of everything going on around the railroad.
All Dates are subject to change and weather conditions
Clubhouse and Workshop Workday Recap for Saturday, January 13, 2024
A big day at the railroad as a last-minute push to get the utilities marked on Friday was successful so we could finally get electrical and water to the clubhouse and workshop containers. After nearly a three year wait to start the project, we are now on track to making the first two containers functional in 2024.
A big day at the railroad as a last-minute push to get the utilities marked on Friday was successful so we could finally get electrical and water to the clubhouse and workshop containers. After nearly a three year wait to start the project, we are now on track to making the first two containers functional in 2024. A group made up of Wes, John T., Calvin, David E., Robby, Norm, Thomas, Scott, and a special helper Allen made the day a success. The crew trenched and installed 300 feet of conduit and 120 feet waterline. While things still need to hook up, we are a step closer to making the clubhouse and workshop operational later this year. Be on the lookout for the next workday for this project.
New riding cars are getting some updates before the 2024 season.
Over the past couple of months, we acquired three new individual riding cars. This is a great addition to the fleet which will allow the club and the members the opportunity to use club owned riding cars around the railroad. Back in August we acquired two riding cars from Godshall Customer Machining and used them during our fall run days. A few updates to the riding cars are being performed including adding new couplers and preparing to add brakes to each of the trucks. On Saturday, December 30th the new couplers were installed, and the temporary pass-through airline was adjusted to accommodate the new couplers which will allow the two cars to operate independently. Over the next few month brakes will get installed and final adjustments to the airlines will take place at that time. We are also looking at repainting the cars and are looking for individuals to help with this portion of the project. If you are interested, click on the “I want to help” button below and let us know you are interested in helping.

Over the past couple of months, we acquired three new individual riding cars. This is a great addition to the fleet which will allow the club and the members the opportunity to use club owned riding cars around the railroad. Back in August we acquired two riding cars from Godshall Customer Machining and used them during our fall run days. A few updates to the riding cars are being performed including adding new couplers and preparing to add brakes to each of the trucks. On Saturday, December 30th the new couplers were installed, and the temporary pass-through airline was adjusted to accommodate the new couplers which will allow the two cars to operate independently. Over the next few month brakes will get installed and final adjustments to the airlines will take place at that time. We are also looking at repainting the cars and are looking for individuals to help with this portion of the project. If you are interested, click on the “I want to help” button below and let us know you are interested in helping.
As you may have seen recently our third new riding car is also getting a makeover. When we received the car it was unpainted and did not have brakes on the trucks. The riding car has been unassembled and cleaned surface rust off the metal and painted. The trucks are also getting cleaned and painted and will also get brakes installed once completed. We hope to have all of this completed in the next couple of weeks. We are also working on getting the riding car lettered before putting it back on the railroad this spring. Here are some pictures of the riding car when we picked it up as well as the work that has been done to clean and paint the car.
Impromptu planning day recap for Friday, December 22nd
With Christmas just around the corner some of the elf’s took a day and went to the railroad to plan out a few things that will take place starting in January. As many of you know we’ve been waiting to start on the clubhouse and workshop project and one of the key items that we need to get done for the project to pick up steam is get electricity into the containers. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been measuring and determining what supplies we will need to run power from the grey container to clubhouse container 1. Earlier this week Wes went and picked up more than 200 feet of electrical conduit and laid them out today so we could make the path for the trenching to take place and to also prepare for the property to be marked before digging.
The plan at this point is to trench and install the electrical conduit on Saturday, January 13th.
With Christmas just around the corner some of the elf’s took a day and went to the railroad to plan out a few things that will take place starting in January. As many of you know we’ve been waiting to start on the clubhouse and workshop project and one of the key items that we need to get done for the project to pick up steam is get electricity into the containers. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been measuring and determining what supplies we will need to run power from the grey container to clubhouse container 1. Earlier this week Wes went and picked up more than 250 feet of electrical conduit and laid them out today so we could make the path for the trenching to take place and to also prepare for the property to be marked before digging.
The plan at this point is to trench and install the electrical conduit on Saturday, January 13th. Depending on the size of the crew we also plan on installing a water line from the Breeseway to the Clubhouse containers. Plans are also in the works to finish prepping the move of the blue container to its new home and we hope to have that done by January 12th.
Moving into 2024 we will also be unveiling a new way for everyone to keep track of this project and others going on around the railroad in hopes of giving everyone more notice on upcoming workdays and what the focus of the workday will be. More to come on this.
Prep work began on a riding car recently purchased in preparation of being painted.
On Saturday, December 17th work began to prepare the recently purchased riding car for paint, brakes, and more. The first thing that took place was to begin to take the riding car apart and clean the steel of any surface rust and start preparing aluminum pieces for paint. The trucks will also undergo some cleaning and removal of some surface rust before getting painted in the next couple of weeks.
On Saturday, December 17th work began to prepare the recently purchased riding car for paint, brakes, and more. The first thing that took place was to begin to take the riding car apart and clean the steel of any surface rust and start preparing aluminum pieces for paint. The trucks will also undergo some cleaning and removal of some surface rust before getting painted in the next couple of weeks.
Grandma Line workday recap for Saturday, December 16th
A small, devoted crew came out to the site on Saturday to work on the “Grandma Line” project. John T. and Wes worked on replacing a drainpipe and replaced with a French drain system with a conventional open end upstream and flex pipe over the cliff. They also placed boards in preparation for crush and run and east end waterline extension. Today’s event marks the last official workday of the year with plans to continue to make progress on this project and others in 2024. Thank you to the “Grandma Line” crew for all of the work and progress you’ve made in 2023.
A small, devoted crew came out to the site on Saturday to work on the “Grandma Line” project. John T. and Wes worked on replacing a drainpipe and replaced with a French drain system with a conventional open end upstream and flex pipe over the cliff. They also placed boards in preparation for crush and run and east end waterline extension. Today’s event marks the last official workday of the year with plans to continue to make progress on this project and others in 2024. Thank you to the “Grandma Line” crew for all of the work and progress you’ve made in 2023.
Get involved in the "Grandma Line" project this winter
Are you looking for a winter project around the railroad you can get involved in? The “Grandma Line” project team is looking for volunteers to come out and help make some major progress on the long talked about “Grandma Line.” If you are interested in help please contact John T. for more information regarding the workday schedule. The crew will need help with everything from building track panels, switches, moving dirt, and building a retaining wall. Opportunities for everyone to get involved.
This is just one of several projects going on around the railroad this winter so don’t hesitate to get involved.
Are you looking for a winter project around the railroad you can get involved in? The “Grandma Line” project team is looking for volunteers to come out and help make some major progress on the long talked about “Grandma Line.” If you are interested in help please contact John T. for more information regarding the workday schedule. The crew will need help with everything from building track panels, switches, moving dirt, and building a retaining wall. Opportunities for everyone to get involved.
This is just one of several projects going on around the railroad this winter so don’t hesitate to get involved.