A weekday workday has been scheduled for Thursday, December 9th at 9 a.m.
A weekday workday has been scheduled for Thursday, December 9th at 9 a.m. The plan is to work on electrical work in the next container and prep flat bar for installation into the container as track. if you are planning on coming, please check with Robby to make sure of any last-minute changes.
Make sure you bring plenty to drink, tools, and a good sense of humor.
A weekday workday has been scheduled for Thursday, December 9th at 9 a.m. The plan is to work on electrical work in the next container and prep flat bar for installation into the container as track. if you are planning on coming, please check with Robby to make sure of any last-minute changes.
Make sure you bring plenty to drink, tools, and a good sense of humor.

The Pre-Pre Public Run Day Workday Scheduled for Saturday, September 11th at 8:30 a.m.
Now that the passenger line is complete we shift our attention to checking the rest of the railroad for any needed maintenance around the railroad and the property.
Now that the passenger line is complete we shift our attention to checking the rest of the railroad for any needed maintenance around the railroad and the property. Here is a list of items that we will need to work on:
Track inspection and repair (not just marking but repairing) - check for gaps in rail, rail joiners, check and oil switches for operation, make sure all frog guards are free of debris, check track alignment
Ant & Wasp check - treat for ants and make sure any wasp nests in common areas are removed.
Property Clean up - clean up sticks, rocks, grass cutting, fence repair, and clean up anything that makes the property not look as good as it should.
Breeseway - Clean up sticks, gutters, and other items around this area
Gauge 1 clean up - grass cutting inside the circle area
Construction material - All construction material should be picked up and put in its proper place
Install fencing near new passenger station area
As a reminder our Annual Boiler inspection is scheduled for Saturday, September 18th at 8:30 a.m. Please click the link below and let us know if you are planning on having your steam engine inspected?
Annual Boiler Inspection as well as a club fun day is planned for Saturday, September 13, 2025.
Reminder: "Bring A Friend" workday is scheduled for Saturday, July 24th at 8:30 a.m.
The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “bring a friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.

The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “Bring A Friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.
If you are reading this and are not a member but would like to come out and help, please do not hesitate to join us. For more information about our workday please feel free to contact Robby or Norm for more details.
Make sure to bring battery powered tools, 5/16 socket for drill, knee pads, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
Be prepared to be on the ground and on your knees
2021 Project Recap
"Bring A Friend" workday is scheduled for Saturday, July 24th at 8:30 a.m.
The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “bring a friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.

The big push continues to complete the last 225-feet of the passenger line project with our next scheduled workday on Saturday, July 24th. We are calling it “Bring A Friend” workday to share with others what we are doing, and a few extra hands can go a long way to completing this project ahead of our mid-September goal. We are planning on connecting the bypass track and set forms heading towards the station.
If you are reading this and are not a member but would like to come out and help, please do not hesitate to join us. For more information about our workday please feel free to contact Robby or Norm for more details.
Make sure to bring battery powered tools, knee pads, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
2021 Project Recap
Don't forget about our big workday scheduled for Saturday, July 10th at 8:30 a.m.
Don’t forget this Saturday, July 10th we have a big workday planned. We will be preparing the railroad for a private event and continue to work on the passenger line project.

Don’t forget this Saturday, July 10th we have a big workday planned. We will be preparing the railroad for a private event and continue to work on the passenger line project.
Work on the passenger line will be focused on connecting the east loop with the new grade crossing and then shift the remaining efforts on the other side of the man crossing to set forms for the next set of track panels to be installed during a future workday.
Make sure you bring tools, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
Big push to complete the passenger line project
It is amazing how much we have completed over the past year on the passenger line project. On July 25, 2020, we started the project with the installation of the bypass switch. By the end of August 2020 work was in full swing on the east side of the railroad with work on the bypass from the outer loop and installation of a switch and panels from the inner loop heading towards the railroads first diamond.
As we move into September of 2020, we picked up momentum with the installation of the diamond work progressed fast as we moved our efforts beyond the diamond and started laying track that would represent the passenger line. Once it was all said and done, we had laid nearly 200 feet of track and well on our way to the grade crossing that would later be installed in 2021.
It is amazing how much we have completed over the past year on the passenger line project. On July 25, 2020, we started the project with the installation of the bypass switch.
By the end of August work was in full swing on the east side of the railroad with work on the bypass from the outer loop and installation of a switch and panels from the inner loop heading towards the railroads first diamond.
As we move into September of 2020, we picked up momentum with the installation of the diamond work progressed fast as we moved our efforts beyond the diamond and started laying track that would represent the passenger line. Once it was all said and done, we had laid nearly 200 feet of track and well on our way to the grade crossing that would later be installed in 2021.
So, if you made it to the end of this timeline you might be asking what is next. As of July 2nd, we are 90 days away from the planned re-opening of the railroad with our first public run day since 2019. We are also about 250 feet away from completing the track work to complete the passenger line. We have five official workdays planned between now and October 2nd creating a tight schedule to complete everything. As you plan your next few months please consider coming out and helping us push forward to complete this project. Every set of hands will get us closer to completing this project ahead of our October reopening.
If you have any questions or would like to organize a weekday or weekend workday outside of what is already scheduled please contact Norm or Robby. For those that are reading this and are not part of our club and are interested in volunteering and learning more about our organization please feel free to come out during one of our workdays. If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Robby for more details.
Hope to see you around the railroad soon.
Workday scheduled for Saturday, July 10th at 8:30 a.m.
We have a big day planned for Saturday, July 10th as we prepare the railroad for a small group of visitors on the 17th and continue to work on the passenger line.
Work on the passenger line will be focused on connecting the east loop with the new grade crossing and then shift the remaining efforts on the other side of the man crossing to set forms for the next set of track panels to be installed during a future workday.
Make sure you bring tools, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.

We have a big day planned for Saturday, July 10th as we prepare the railroad for a small group of visitors on the 17th and continue to work on the passenger line.
Work on the passenger line will be focused on connecting the east loop with the new grade crossing and then shift the remaining efforts on the other side of the man crossing to set forms for the next set of track panels to be installed during a future workday.
Make sure you bring tools, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
Passenger Line Highlights
Workday scheduled for Saturday, June 19th at 8:30 a.m.
As you have seen from many of the most recent posts progress on the passenger line is progressing. We are just one workday away from connecting the east loop with the passenger line all the way to the man gate (restroom building area) leaving use just about 250-feet of track to complete the passenger line project.
Let us make Saturday, June 19th another productive workday. Make sure you bring tools, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.

As you have seen from many of the most recent posts progress on the passenger line is progressing. We are just one workday away from connecting the east loop with the passenger line all the way to the man gate (restroom building area) leaving use just about 250-feet of track to complete the passenger line project.
Let us make Saturday, June 19th another productive workday. Make sure you bring tools, water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.
"Big Dig" Workday Cancelled for Saturday, April 24th – Rain, Rain Go Away
The “Big Dig” workday scheduled for Saturday, April 24th has been CANCELLED because of this stuff called rain. Be on the lookout for a reschedule date in the next couple of weeks.
The “Big Dig” workday scheduled for Saturday, April 24th has been CANCELLED because of this stuff called rain. Be on the lookout for a reschedule date in the next couple of weeks. A tentative reschedule date has been set for Saturday, May 22nd with concrete being poured on Monday, May 24th. Weather permitting.
What’s next on the calendar?
Workday & Board meeting planned for this Saturday, March 13th
The weather is looking incredible for this coming Saturday, March 13th. A workday has been planned starting at 8:30 a.m. with a focus around building about 20 track panels, track maintenance, perform groundwork for next member container, lunch, and have fun. At board meeting is also planned at 10 a.m. We look forward to seeing you at the railroad and don’t forget to bring your lunch and a sense of humor.
The weather is looking incredible for this coming Saturday, March 13th. A workday has been planned starting at 8:30 a.m. with a focus around building about 20 track panels, track maintenance, perform groundwork for next member container, lunch, and have fun. At board meeting is also planned at 10 a.m. We look forward to seeing you at the railroad and don’t forget to bring your lunch and a sense of humor.
Up next…
Workday planned for this Saturday, March 13th starting at 8:30 a.m.
The weather is looking incredible for this coming Saturday, March 13th. The goal of the day is to build about 20 straight panels, track maintenance, perform groundwork for next member container, lunch, and have fun. We look forward to seeing you at the railroad and don’t forget to bring your lunch and a sense of humor.
The weather is looking incredible for this coming Saturday, March 13th. The goal of the day is to build about 20 straight panels, track maintenance, perform groundwork for next member container, lunch, and have fun. We look forward to seeing you at the railroad and don’t forget to bring your lunch and a sense of humor.
Up next…
Workday on the calendar for this Saturday, January 23rd at 8:30 a.m.
Almost forgot that our first official workday is on the calendar for this Saturday, January 23rd. The weather is looking good, really I mean it, and we are planning on building switches for the next member container and depending on how many show up we do have a couple areas in the east loop that need some maintenance.
Almost forgot that our first official workday is on the calendar for this Saturday, January 23rd. The weather is looking good, really I mean it, and we are planning on building switches for the next member container and depending on how many show up we do have a couple areas in the east loop that need some maintenance.
Remember if you come bring plenty of water, a lunch, and don’t forget the bathrooms are current closed.
Canceled: Workday for Saturday, November 14th
A workday scheduled for Saturday, November 14th has been CANCELED. If you had plans on being at the site this weekend and are still interested in going out to do some work we could use some track panels built using new rail. We currently have enough ties already cut for about 25 panels.

A workday scheduled for Saturday, November 14th has been CANCELED. If you had plans on being at the site this weekend and are still interested in going out to do some work we could use some track panels built using new rail. We currently have enough ties already cut for about 25 panels. If you have any questions please contact Norm or Robby.
Don’t forget that with all that is going on around us the North Georgia Live Steamers Board has decided to provide an opportunity to submit nominations for the 2021 board online. We will also be taking nominee’s during our regularly scheduled meeting on December 5th at 1 p.m. at the site (weather permitting).
Upcoming Calendar of Events
A workday is scheduled for Saturday, March 8th starting at 8:30 a.m. Bring cordless tools, knee pads, lunch, plenty to drink, and a great sense of humor. Details about workday to be announced.
A workday is scheduled for Saturday, March 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m. Bring cordless tools, knee pads, lunch, plenty to drink, and a great sense of humor. Details about workday to be announced.
Ridge Live Steamers Spring meet will be Friday, March 28th through Sunday, March 30th. For more details contact Ridge Live Steamers website at https://www.ridgelivesteamers.org/
Workday scheduled for Saturday, October 24th at 8:30 a.m.
Our next official workday is scheduled for this Saturday, October 24th at 8:30 a.m. The focus of the day is to build track panels, switches, and possibly install a few more panels. Remember to bring water, lunch, bug spray, and good sense of humor.
Our next official workday is scheduled for this Saturday, October 24th at 8:30 a.m. The focus of the day is to build track panels, switches, and possibly install a few more panels. Remember to bring water, lunch, bug spray, and good sense of humor.
See you Saturday at the railroad for our regularly scheduled workday starting at 8:30 a.m.
The weather is going to be great for our workday on Saturday. The plan is to continue work on the new passenger line project, track panel construction, grey container items, grass cutting, and more. The fun starts at 8:30 a.m. Don’t forget this is the last Saturday before our Club Fun Day, which is scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd which is also the same day of the annual boiler inspection and October club meeting. So, come out and get things ready so we can enjoy the Club Fun Day.
The weather is going to be great for our workday on Saturday. The plan is to continue work on the new passenger line project, track panel construction, grey container items, grass cutting, and more. The fun starts at 8:30 a.m. Don’t forget this is the last Saturday before our Club Fun Day, which is scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd which is also the same day of the annual boiler inspection and October club meeting. So, come out and get things ready so we can enjoy the Club Fun Day.
Other items on the radar include:
Grey Container Extension- needs electrical work completed
Member container project - a couple of frogs need to be profiled and two switches built
Track panels built for passenger line project. Railroad ties will also need to be cut
General maintenance around the railroad
Don’t forget to bring lunch, water, and a good sense of humor for the day.
Workday Scheduled - Saturday, September 26th at 8:30 a.m.
We have a workday scheduled on Saturday, September 26th at 8:30 a.m. We will be putting the finishing touches on the new diamond and laying more track for the new passenger line. The grass also is in desperate need of cutting but before that can be done the club lawnmower needs to be repaired. If you are able to go over to the site and work on the lawnmower that would be great. The front left tire is loosing air and needs to be repair and an issue has come up with starting the lawnmower as well.
We have a workday scheduled on Saturday, September 26th at 8:30 a.m. We will be putting the finishing touches on the new diamond and laying more track for the new passenger line. The grass also is in desperate need of cutting but before that can be done the club lawnmower needs to be repaired. If you are able to go over to the site and work on the lawnmower that would be great. The front left tire is loosing air and needs to be repair and an issue has come up with starting the lawnmower as well.
Other items on the radar include:
Grey Container Extension- needs electrical work completed
Member container project - a couple of frogs need to be profiled and switches built
Track panels built for passenger line project. Railroad ties will also need to be cut
General maintenance around the railroad in advance of our club fun day in October (replaces our canceled public day)
Don’t forget to bring lunch, water, and a good sense of humor for the day.
Checkout What Else Is On The Calendar
Workday scheduled for Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.
Our next regularly scheduled workday will be Saturday, September 12th. The plans are to work on the mainline project, track panel construction, cut grass, and other general maintenance.
Our next regularly scheduled workday will be Saturday, September 12th. The plans are to work on the mainline project, track panel construction, cut grass, and other general maintenance. Speaking of the mainline project Norm and Gene have been hard at work on the construction of the railroads first diamond with hopes of it being ready for installation on Saturday. We are also in need of a crew to start building track panels for the passenger line project. If you are interested in leading a team to building panels please contact either Robby or Norm for more details.
Hope to see you around the railroad on Saturday. Things will get started around 8:30 a.m. make sure you bring plenty of water, lunch, and a good sense of humor for the day.
Workday Scheduled for Saturday, August 15th starting at 8:30 a.m.
We have a regularly scheduled workday on the calendar for this Saturday, August 15th starting at 8:30 a.m. The plan is to work on gray container, sort tie material, and a whole lot more. Make sure you bring plenty of water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor. Plus don’t forget our annual Summer Club Fun Day is coming up on Saturday, August 29th.
We have a regularly scheduled workday on the calendar for this Saturday, August 15th starting at 8:30 a.m. The plan is to:
Install rail on the floor of the gray container
Sorting, stack and clean up tie material area
Start form work for roadbed on the lower east side for the passenger line
Move some dirt around from loads delivered by Sheppard truck
New member storage container crew meeting
Eat lunch, have fun, and give each other a little grief along the way
Remember to bring plenty of water, sunscreen, lunch, and a good sense of humor. Plus don’t forget our annual Summer Club Fun Day is coming up on Saturday, August 29th.
Past Workday Activity
Workday scheduled for this Saturday, June 13th at 8:30 a.m. - Final push on container extension project
We are planning a workday for this Saturday, June 13th to complete the track work for the container extension project. A lot of prep work has already been done which should help make things go a little faster. We will begin around 8:30 and hopefully finish up shortly after lunch. Make sure you bring water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor. For more details be on the lookout for another email or visit our website for more details as well.
We are planning a workday for this Saturday, June 13th to complete the track work for the container extension project. A lot of prep work has already been done which should help make things go a little faster. We will begin around 8:30 and hopefully finish up shortly after lunch. Make sure you bring water, lunch, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor. For more details be on the lookout for another email or visit our website for more details as well.
Workday Scheduled - Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.
We have a workday planned for Saturday, May 23rd starting at 8:30 a.m. The plan is to build a retaining wall for the container and container track. If you are able coming make sure you bring a lunch, water, and a good sense of humor.
We have a workday planned for Saturday, May 23rd starting at 8:30 a.m. The plan is to build a retaining wall for the container and container track. If you are able coming make sure you bring a lunch, water, and a good sense of humor.