Workday produced progress on the “Grandma Line” and repair on the east loop

As we countdown to the last public run day of the year a small crew went to the railroad on Saturday to make sure things are in good shape for our November 9th big event. The work crew consisted of Wes, Kenneth, Scott, and John and took split up and worked on east loop repair and the “Grandma Line”. Wes and Kenneth worked on the east end outer loop inner track which need some attention in several areas. Scott and John worked on the “Grandma Line” by setting forms, bringing buckets of crush and run over, and laying out several panels. John also worked Friday on the container mural by lettering several mural containers. He added Hapag Lloyd and “K” Line, Sea Land, and Maersk. John is taking recommendations for other painted containers on the mural. If you have any real or fake container companies, you would like to see let him know.