Fourth workday of the week and another day of progress on multiple items

The week has been very productive on a number of projects including with the clubhouse and workshop project. Today’s crew consisted of Wes, John T., Robby, and Norm as they painted the newly installed walls and ceiling along with getting power installed into the container. John was also able to install a switch and indicator light for a future item to be installed at the main grade crossing.
Once the power was completed Wes and Robby took care of bringing in more gravel to the new retaining wall installed a couple of weeks ago in order to bring the ground level up to the railroad, so it wasn’t such a drop off.
Before the crew called it a day, they moved several yards of dirt to the east end of the future “Grandma Line”. Once the dirt settles plans will be made to not only bring in more dirt but prepare to install the first 60 feet of track for the “Grandma Line”. Be on the lookout for help in building track panels.