Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Club Meeting on Saturday, December 5th at 1 P.M.

Our December meeting will be this Saturday, December 5th at 1 p.m. The meeting agenda will include nominations for the 2021 board and a few 2021 calendar items. Speaking of calendar don’t forget the 2021 calendars are in and can be picked up at the meeting. The cost of the calendars is $13 for those that pre-ordered.

Our December club meeting will be this Saturday, December 5th at 1 p.m. at the site. The meeting agenda will include nominations for the 2021 board and a few 2021 calendar items. Speaking of calendar don’t forget the 2021 calendars are in and can be picked up at the meeting. The cost of the calendars is $13 for those that pre-ordered.

The annual Christmas Party and Raffle unfortunately will not take place this year instead many are planning on coming out early and riding the rails. The weather is expected to be around 53 and partly cloudy which should make for a nice cool day.

Speaking of running trains. If anyone has pictures from the “Leftover Turkey Run” please forward to Robby.

Time to Renew

Don’t forget it is also time to renew your membership. All membership renewals should be paid by our January meeting in order to eligible to vote for the 2021 board.

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Latest News, Members Only, Public Run Day North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only, Public Run Day North Georgia Live Steamers

Happy Thanksgiving from North Georgia Live Steamers

North Georgia Live Steamers want to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. As a not-for-profit educational organization, we rely on our members and volunteers like you. This year we are extra thankful for the more than 1,200 hours our members and volunteers have provided.

North Georgia Live Steamers want to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. As a not-for-profit educational organization, we rely on our members and volunteers like you. This year we are extra thankful for the more than 1,200 hours our members and volunteers have provided.

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Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

2021 Member Dues and more

We are now accepting dues for 2021.  You can send  your dues to:   

North Georgia Live Steamers

North Georgia Live Steamers

PO Box 1809

Conyers, GA  30012

Membership Renewals

Full - $75 per year

Associate- $50 per year (Must live outside a 100-mile radius from Conyers, Georgia)

Junior - $25 per year (must be 12-18 years of age and sponsored by parent who is a member)

If you have any questions regard dues visit our membership page or contact Norm.  


Don’t forget to send in your payment for calendars. They are $13 each and if you haven’t reserved yours please contact Robby to see if we have any extras. Calendars will be available for pickup at our December 5th meeting.

Upcoming Events

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Latest News, Members Only, Work Day North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only, Work Day North Georgia Live Steamers

Eastside of the new passenger line now complete to the new grade crossing

Today the last 20 feet of the eastside new passenger line up to the new grade crossing is now complete. Norm, Robby, John, and Gator went to the site at the last minute to attach and ballast the last section of track for the passenger line siding along with a few other things.

Today the last 20 feet of the eastside new passenger line up to the new grade crossing is now complete. Norm, Robby, John, and Gator went to the site at the last minute to attach and ballast the last section of track for the passenger line siding along with a few other things. Over the next few months, the plan is to install the 60-foot grade crossing and more than 300-feet of track. While we wait on the installation of the grade crossing, we will need more than 30 panels built. Be on the lookout for a workday to build panels.

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Latest News, Press Release, Public Run Day North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Press Release, Public Run Day North Georgia Live Steamers

A strange year has brought a lot of activity around the railroad

This year has been an interesting year in so many ways. For our club and railroad, it has been an extra busy year which has produced more than 30 workdays so far. This past July marked 10 years since the first sections of track where laid along with some of that very track being modified almost 10 years to the day later. By the end of October nearly 1,500 volunteer hours had also been logged.

This year has been an interesting year in so many ways. For our club and railroad, it has been an extra busy year which has produced more than 30 workdays so far. This past July marked 10 years since the first sections of track where laid along with some of that very track being modified almost 10 years to the day later. Here is a short list of some of the items that took place this year:

  1. Track panel construction for container extension project

  2. Installation of 20’ container to the end of the existing 40’ gray container

  3. Ash pit line completed

  4. Removal of part of the mainline coming up from the Nicol bridge in preparation of the “Grandma” line

  5. Sheppard Trucking delivered loads of dirt that was used to fill in near the green containers

  6. Work began on the “Passenger” line

    …and a lot more

We hope to be able to share our railroad again with you in 2021. In the meantime here are some pictures taken over the past year so you can see just what the club has been busy working on. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the club please have them contact us.

As a non-profit organization this year has been especially hard in raising the necessary funds to operate and expand the railroad. If you are able or know someone who is able to donate to North Georgia Live Steamers we would appreciate the consideration. For more information visit our website for details.


The crew spent time building track panels for the 20’ container extension project and also displayed at the Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History.


Work on the ash pit line and prep work for the 20’ container project took place in February along with some much needed track maintenance.


Just as the world was about to take an interesting twist the crew spent time working on the water hydrant, clearing trees for more fill dirt and next storage container.


With the ash pit line complete work began on the 20’ container extension project. The track work included installing a switch off the ash pit line and one additional switch to provide two tracks into the container for storage.


The 20’ container was placed and now work began to cut the ends out of the container and finish the track work up the hill to the container.


Track work going into the new 20’ container extension was completed and things began to shift to other projects including landscaping and making adjustments to the mainline for the “Grandma” line project.


Another busy month with building a new railroad tie wall coming out of the woods on the west end of the railroad heading towards the east loop. More work continued on the container and with the added momentum things started happening on the passenger line project which will add an additional 900’ of track to the railroad.


This month saw a great deal of work on the new passenger line expansion project which calls for more than 600 feet of track plus sidings to be installed. This project also introduced our first diamond on the railroad. The month however started off with the delivery of the completely rebuilt “Doe” bridge. This bridge has a long history which includes being used at our original location nearly 30 years ago. The container extension project also received some additional electrical work and the club steamer had a few adjustments made.


By the time the end of October happened the club had worked more than 30 days around the railroad. Things continue to move forward on the passenger line project with nearly 300 feet of track laid and nearing the halfway point. More than 500 railroad ties cut, nearly two dozen track panels built, and countless loads of gravel. Work was done on two switches that will be built in November for the next container project. As October ended the members of North Georgia Live Steamers had put in nearly 1,500 volunteer hours.

What’s next?

It is anyone’s guess but most likely finish up some loose ends on the container extension project, work on the passenger line, start another container project, and whatever else we can think of. If you or someone you know are interested in getting involved or would like to make a donation to our club please contact us.

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Social Media Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Social Media Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

Do You Shop at Kroger's? You Could Be Raising Money For North Georgia Live Steamers

If you shop at Kroger's, your everyday purchases could turn donations to the North Georgia Live Steamers.  All you do is register and use your Kroger card every time you shop at Kroger's.

If you shop at Kroger's, your everyday purchases could turn donations to the North Georgia Live Steamers.  All you do is register and use your Kroger card every time you shop at Kroger's.

How do you register your card?  Simply click on the link below and login to your account.  Under the Community Rewards program you will find a button that says, "re-Enroll Now".  Type in North Georgia Live Steamers and you are in business.  Make sure you tell all your friends about this great opportunity.

Here is the link to the reward program:  Kroger Community Rewards program

Remember spread the word to your friends and family and make sure they register North Georgia Live Steamers as a Kroger Community Reward recipient.  If you have a hard time getting your Kroger Plus card associated with North Georgia Live Steamers you may also use this reference number which will also pull up North Georgia Live Steamers on the Kroger site.  Our Kroger Community reference number is 45942.

If you have any questions regarding how the program works please visit Kroger Community Rewards for additional information. 

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Work Day Scheduled, Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Work Day Scheduled, Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

Canceled: Workday for Saturday, November 14th

A workday scheduled for Saturday, November 14th has been CANCELED. If you had plans on being at the site this weekend and are still interested in going out to do some work we could use some track panels built using new rail. We currently have enough ties already cut for about 25 panels.


A workday scheduled for Saturday, November 14th has been CANCELED. If you had plans on being at the site this weekend and are still interested in going out to do some work we could use some track panels built using new rail. We currently have enough ties already cut for about 25 panels. If you have any questions please contact Norm or Robby.

Don’t forget that with all that is going on around us the North Georgia Live Steamers Board has decided to provide an opportunity to submit nominations for the 2021 board online. We will also be taking nominee’s during our regularly scheduled meeting on December 5th at 1 p.m. at the site (weather permitting).

Upcoming Calendar of Events

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Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Thank you Veterans

Like many live steam clubs we find many of our core members are Veteran’s. They are often times one of the hardest working groups in our club and some of the more knowledgeable about so many things. We take this take along with our country and say Thank You Veterans for all that you have done and continue to do for our country.

Like many live steam clubs we find many of our core members are Veteran’s. They are often times one of the hardest working groups in our club and some of the most knowledgeable people we have about so many things. We take this take along with our country and say Thank You Veterans for all that you have done and continue to do for our country.

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Latest News, Press Release, Public Run Day North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Press Release, Public Run Day North Georgia Live Steamers

A strange year has brought a lot of activity around the railroad

This year has been an interesting year in so many ways. For our club and railroad, it has been an extra busy year which has produced more than 30 workdays so far. This past July marked 10 years since the first sections of track where laid along with some of that very track being modified almost 10 years to the day later. By the end of October nearly 1,500 volunteer hours had also been logged.

This year has been an interesting year in so many ways. For our club and railroad, it has been an extra busy year which has produced more than 30 workdays so far. This past July marked 10 years since the first sections of track where laid along with some of that very track being modified almost 10 years to the day later. Here is a short list of some of the items that took place this year:

  1. Track panel construction for container extension project

  2. Installation of 20’ container to the end of the existing 40’ gray container

  3. Ash pit line completed

  4. Removal of part of the mainline coming up from the Nicol bridge in preparation of the “Grandma” line

  5. Sheppard Trucking delivered loads of dirt that was used to fill in near the green containers

  6. Work began on the “Passenger” line

    …and a lot more

We hope to be able to share our railroad again with you in 2021. In the meantime here are some pictures taken over the past year so you can see just what the club has been busy working on. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the club please have them contact us.

As a non-profit organization this year has been especially hard in raising the necessary funds to operate and expand the railroad. If you are able or know someone who is able to donate to North Georgia Live Steamers we would appreciate the consideration. For more information visit our website for details.


The crew spent time building track panels for the 20’ container extension project and also displayed at the Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History.


Work on the ash pit line and prep work for the 20’ container project took place in February along with some much needed track maintenance.


Just as the world was about to take an interesting twist the crew spent time working on the water hydrant, clearing trees for more fill dirt and next storage container.


With the ash pit line complete work began on the 20’ container extension project. The track work included installing a switch off the ash pit line and one additional switch to provide two tracks into the container for storage.


The 20’ container was placed and now work began to cut the ends out of the container and finish the track work up the hill to the container.


Track work going into the new 20’ container extension was completed and things began to shift to other projects including landscaping and making adjustments to the mainline for the “Grandma” line project.


Another busy month with building a new railroad tie wall coming out of the woods on the west end of the railroad heading towards the east loop. More work continued on the container and with the added momentum things started happening on the passenger line project which will add an additional 900’ of track to the railroad.


This month saw a great deal of work on the new passenger line expansion project which calls for more than 600 feet of track plus sidings to be installed. This project also introduced our first diamond on the railroad. The month however started off with the delivery of the completely rebuilt “Doe” bridge. This bridge has a long history which includes being used at our original location nearly 30 years ago. The container extension project also received some additional electrical work and the club steamer had a few adjustments made.


By the time the end of October happened the club had worked more than 30 days around the railroad. Things continue to move forward on the passenger line project with nearly 300 feet of track laid and nearing the halfway point. More than 500 railroad ties cut, nearly two dozen track panels built, and countless loads of gravel. Work was done on two switches that will be built in November for the next container project. As October ended the members of North Georgia Live Steamers had put in nearly 1,500 volunteer hours.

What’s next?

It is anyone’s guess but most likely finish up some loose ends on the container extension project, work on the passenger line, start another container project, and whatever else we can think of. If you or someone you know are interested in getting involved or would like to make a donation to our club please contact us.

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Latest News, Members Only, Club Fun Day North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only, Club Fun Day North Georgia Live Steamers

Club Fun Day Recap for Saturday, November 7, 2020

One of our last club fun days of the year was this past Saturday and boy what a great turnout. We had trains running all over the place with lots of smiles and great conversations going on all around the railroad. The railroad operated real good and only had a couple of minor items come up during the day. Here are a few pictures from the day with more to be added in the coming days.

One of our last club fun days of the year was this past Saturday and boy what a great turnout. We had trains running all over the place with lots of smiles and great conversations going on all around the railroad. The railroad operated real good and only had a couple of minor items come up during the day. if you have pictures or videos from this past Saturday please forward to Robby. In the meantime here are a few pictures from the day with more to be added in the coming days.

Also note that our next workday is scheduled for Saturday, November 14th at 8:30 a.m. The plan is to finish up the last 20 feet of the passenger siding track and build a couple of switches for the next container that will be going in this winter.

Meanwhile, during the club fun day the riding car committee met to discuss and review the next set of articulating riding cars. A few more decisions need to be on trucks, truck brakes, paint color, and a few other details. Overall things are moving forward, and the goal is to have the new cars ready for our first public run day in 2021.

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Fundraiser, Latest News, Members Only, Public Run Day North Georgia Live Steamers Fundraiser, Latest News, Members Only, Public Run Day North Georgia Live Steamers

Do you shop on Amazon? You could be raising money for North Georgia Live Steamers

North Georgia Live Steamers has an opportunity to receive donations from Amazon based on your everyday purchases. AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support North Georgia Live Steamers every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at or on the Amazon app, you'll find the exact same low prices and products with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase to NGLS.

North Georgia Live Steamers has an opportunity to receive donations from Amazon based on your everyday purchases. AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support North Georgia Live Steamers every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at or on the Amazon app, you'll find the exact same low prices and products with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase to NGLS.

How do you select NGLS when you shop on AmazonSmile? On your first visit to AmazonSmile ( you need to select NGLS to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will then remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation.

AmazonSmile customers can now support us using the Amazon shopping app on iOS and Android mobile phones! Simply follow these instructions to turn on AmazonSmile and start generating donations.

  1. Open the Amazon Shopping app on your device

  2. Go into the main menu of the Amazon Shopping app and tap into 'Settings'

  3. Tap 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process

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Latest News, Members Only, Work Day, Track Construction, Club News North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only, Work Day, Track Construction, Club News North Georgia Live Steamers

Workday Recap for Saturday, October 24, 2020 - Closing in on the grade crossing

The track crew, which included Tyler, Norm, John, Ben, “Bob”, Robby, Calvin and guest, laid more than 100 feet of track on Saturday and built a few track panels. The passenger line is complete up to the switch which is about 40 feet short of the grade crossing. The passenger line siding only has about 20 feet and it will be complete.

The track crew, which included Tyler, Norm, John, Ben, “Bob”, Robby, Calvin, and Brad, laid more than 100 feet of track on Saturday and built a few track panels. The passenger line is complete up to the switch which is about 40 feet short of the grade crossing. The passenger line siding only has about 20 feet and it will be complete. The crew ran out of steam but made a great deal of progress with a little more time this part of the project will be complete.

Next on the schedule will be to finish up the passenger siding, build track panels and switches for the member container, and build straight panels for the passenger line. At this point the passenger line will need about 50 panels to be built over the next few months.

Bob C. also stopped by to do some work on the club steamer and to get some propane tanks.

Club Fun Day

Don’t forget our next Club Fun Day will be Saturday, November 7th. Come at any time throughout the day and make sure you bring friends and family to enjoy the railroad.

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Latest News, Work Day Scheduled, Members Only, Club News North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Work Day Scheduled, Members Only, Club News North Georgia Live Steamers

Workday scheduled for Saturday, October 24th at 8:30 a.m.

Our next official workday is scheduled for this Saturday, October 24th at 8:30 a.m. The focus of the day is to build track panels, switches, and possibly install a few more panels. Remember to bring water, lunch, bug spray, and good sense of humor.

Our next official workday is scheduled for this Saturday, October 24th at 8:30 a.m. The focus of the day is to build track panels, switches, and possibly install a few more panels. Remember to bring water, lunch, bug spray, and good sense of humor.

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Latest News, Members Only, Work Day, Track Construction, Club News North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only, Work Day, Track Construction, Club News North Georgia Live Steamers

Workday Recap for Saturday, October 17, 2020 - Passenger Line and more

Busy week and weekend around the club. A new powered slug was picked up along with more member owned riding cars, and the installation of another 120 feet of track for the passenger line.

We may not be running this year but that has not stopped many of our members in getting ready for 2021. Dan went up to Virginia this week and picked up his locomotive and new powered slug and green riding cars. I think he is up to about 6 or 7 riding cars plus his other rolling stock. Looking forward to seeing the new combination on the rails soon. Dan stopped by the site today to do a little trailer shuffle and will be back to rearrange his big trailer with all the new items. I hope it fits.

Meanwhile this past Saturday marked the 30th workday of the 2020 season. With the help of Ben, “Bob”, Bob C., Gene, Norm, Robby, and Scott the crew installed 120 feet of track putting the passenger line project in reach of the halfway point with about 80 feet to go before it will reach the future grade crossing. Hopefully during our next workday, which is on Saturday, October 24th at 8:30 a.m. we will be able to build the necessary track panels needed to reach the halfway point. Speaking of track panels, we are needing 19 straight panels (some with used rail), two switches for the member container project, and a lot more railroad ties.

Also not pictured below Scott also put the finishing touches on the electrical in the grey container. All we need now is to add a couple of lights in the 20 foot extension and everything will be complete. Thanks Scott for taking this project on.

Speaking of track panel construction more than 450 ties where cut this week in preparation of track panel construction. Ties for the switches still need to be cut. If you have time during the week to stop by and build a few panels let Robby or Norm know.

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Latest News, Members Only, Work Day North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only, Work Day North Georgia Live Steamers

Unofficial Workday Summary - Saturday, October 10, 2020

Even though the workday was cancelled because of the storm that blew through overnight a few members still took some time to take care of a few things around the railroad.

Even though the workday was cancelled because of the storm that blew through overnight a few members still took some time to take care of a few things around the railroad. Scott M. stopped by the site and worked on the electrical in the grey container and repaired the lift plug.

Meanwhile offsite Norm and Robby bent rail and then went to the site and built curves and straights panels. At this point we still need 418 ties cut so an additional 22 straight panels can be built.

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Fundraiser, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Fundraiser, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

Are you an Amazon Prime Member? Are you going to shop for deals on October 13th & 14th? Your purchases could help raise money for NGLS.

Are you an Amazon Prime Member? Have you been waiting all year for prime day? Well on Tuesday, October 13th and Wednesday, October 14th Amazon will be holding its annual Prime Day event. Why am I telling you this? If you shop on Amazon and if you are planning on taking advantage of prime day your purchase could qualify for a donation to North Georgia Live Steamers (501(c)(3)- Non-Profit Organization).

Are you an Amazon Prime Member? Have you been waiting all year for prime day? Well on Tuesday, October 13th and Wednesday, October 14th Amazon will be holding its annual Prime Day event. Why am I telling you this? If you shop on Amazon and if you are planning on taking advantage of prime day your purchase could qualify for a donation to North Georgia Live Steamers (501(c)(3)- Non-Profit Organization).

Now you may be wondering how to setup your Amazon account so a donation can be made to North Georgia Live Steamers. All you do is activate your AmazonSmile portion of your account, which is free to do, and select North Georgia Live Steamers as the charity you are supporting. Instructions have been provided below and don’t forget to setup the Amazon App on your smart device as well.



How do you select NGLS when you shop on AmazonSmile? On your first visit to AmazonSmile ( you need to select North Georgia Live Steamers to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will then remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation.

Smart Device Instructions

AmazonSmile customers can now support us using the Amazon shopping app on iOS and Android mobile phones! Simply follow these instructions to turn on AmazonSmile and start generating donations.

  1. Open the Amazon Shopping app on your device

  2. Go into the main menu of the Amazon Shopping app and tap into 'Settings'

  3. Tap 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process

Our Club Members Are Volunteers

Each year our club members volunteer hundreds of hours to help promote railroading, the club, and the hobby. In 2020 our members have donated more than 2,000 hours of time. Your support will help us share the love of trains and make more smiles for kids of all ages. If you would rather make a donation directly to North Georgia Live Steamers you can do that by mail or online.

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Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

Here is a look at what's going on around the railroad as of October 1st

Here is a look at what we have on the calendar over the next couple of months. For a more complete look visit our Calendar page on our website.

Here is a look at what we have on the calendar over the next couple of months. For a more complete look visit our Calendar page on our website.

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Latest News, Members Only, Work Day, Club News, Track Construction North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only, Work Day, Club News, Track Construction North Georgia Live Steamers

Workday Recap for Saturday, September 26, 2020

This past Saturday, September 26, 2020, marked the 27th workday for the club this year. As we mark this incredible milestone it is a reminder that our club is made of a great group of individuals who volunteer in so many ways around the railroad and the club. This weekend our members did electrical work, steam engine repairs, cut grass, laid track, spread gravel, operated a Bobcat, taught new members about the hobby, and so much more.

This past Saturday, September 26, 2020, marked the 27th workday for the club this year. As we mark this incredible milestone it is a reminder that our club is made of a great group of individuals who volunteer in so many ways around the railroad and the club. This weekend our members did electrical work, steam engine repairs, cut grass, laid track, spread gravel, operated a Bobcat, taught new members about the hobby, and so much more.

Scott M. took the day to work on adding conduit to the container extension so we will have additional lights in the grey container.

Bob C. came out and worked on additional repairs to the club steamer. For all the steam engine owners you know that the work never ends with a steam engine. Appreciate Bob’s continued efforts to keep this locomotive alive for the next generation of Live Steamers.

The track construction team was hard at work again this weekend with Ben, “Bob”, Norm, Robby, Calvin, Tyler, Gene, Bill, John, and Wes “Master Weedeater”. LaVay was also out with his train around the railroad testing everything out including the new diamond with great success. The track crew was able to lay about 100 feet of track and started preparations for the next 360 feet of track. The crew needs 12 curves and 24 straight panels to be built over the next couple of weeks. Norm took some rail to the show to be bent and plans are underway to cut ties in advance of a “Big Build Track Panel Day” on Saturday, October 10th. If you can go to the site between now and then we need to cut 684 ties cut before the panels can be built. If you are interested in cutting ties please contact Robby or Norm.

Coming Up

Saturday, October 3rd is another busy day around the railroad. Simply put the day is a Club Fun Day which includes the annual boiler inspection, club meeting at 1 p.m., and time playing with trains with others in the club and invited guests. The weather is looking great with great fall temperatures and clear skies.

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Members Only, Work Day Scheduled, Latest News, Track Construction North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Work Day Scheduled, Latest News, Track Construction North Georgia Live Steamers

See you Saturday at the railroad for our regularly scheduled workday starting at 8:30 a.m.

The weather is going to be great for our workday on Saturday. The plan is to continue work on the new passenger line project, track panel construction, grey container items, grass cutting, and more. The fun starts at 8:30 a.m. Don’t forget this is the last Saturday before our Club Fun Day, which is scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd which is also the same day of the annual boiler inspection and October club meeting. So, come out and get things ready so we can enjoy the Club Fun Day.

The weather is going to be great for our workday on Saturday. The plan is to continue work on the new passenger line project, track panel construction, grey container items, grass cutting, and more. The fun starts at 8:30 a.m. Don’t forget this is the last Saturday before our Club Fun Day, which is scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd which is also the same day of the annual boiler inspection and October club meeting. So, come out and get things ready so we can enjoy the Club Fun Day.

Other items on the radar include:

  1. Grey Container Extension- needs electrical work completed

  2. Member container project - a couple of frogs need to be profiled and two switches built

  3. Track panels built for passenger line project. Railroad ties will also need to be cut

  4. General maintenance around the railroad

Don’t forget to bring lunch, water, and a good sense of humor for the day.

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