Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

The smaller side of the NGLS railroad

Playing with trains is certainly what we do but did you know we operate two different scale railroads? We operate both 1:8 scale and Gauge-1. Here is a great video, from Dave L., showing our Gauge-1 railroad operating with 1:8 scale trains running in the background during our public run day on Saturday, May 20, 2023.

Playing with trains is certainly what we do but did you know we operate two different scale railroads? We operate both 1:8 scale and Gauge-1. Here is a great video, from Dave L., showing our Gauge-1 railroad operating with 1:8 scale trains running in the background during our public run day on Saturday, May 20, 2023.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about our railroad and how to get involved send us a note. Click here for more information.

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Members Only, Club Fun Day, Live Steam Railroad Club North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Club Fun Day, Live Steam Railroad Club North Georgia Live Steamers

Almost Monthly Club Fun Day and Club Meeting on Saturday, June 3rd

Our next Almost Monthly Club Fun Day will be on Saturday, June 3rd. We will take a brief break for the quick club meeting at 1 p.m.

Our next Almost Monthly Club Fun Day will be on Saturday, June 3rd. We will take a brief break for the quick club meeting at 1 p.m.

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Latest News, Members Only, Public Run Day, Public Run Day Photos North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only, Public Run Day, Public Run Day Photos North Georgia Live Steamers

Train Ride Day Recap for Saturday, May 20, 2023

What a beautiful day we ended up having. The weather forecast changed by the minute all week but by Saturday the skies cleared, and the trains came out. Our all-volunteer crew showed up early and got the railroad ready for operation. Check out the pictures and videos from both of our railroads in operation.

As the railroad opened one of our long-time volunteers LaVay made it out to help with the station. His stories and tails are always a fan favorite. The railroad ran very well with four trains running strong all day giving many of our passengers an opportunity to ride every train multiple times. Checkout the pictures and videos of the day.

What a beautiful day we ended up having. The weather forecast changed by the minute all week but by Saturday the skies cleared, and the trains came out. Our all-volunteer crew showed up early and got the railroad ready for operation. Check out the pictures and videos from both of our railroads in operation.

As the railroad opened one of our long-time volunteers LaVay made it out to help out with the station. His stories and tails are always a fan favorite. The railroad ran very well with four trains running strong all day giving many of our passengers an opportunity to ride every train multiple times.

If you were a visitor to the railroad and are interested in volunteering or becoming a club member check out our membership page for more information regarding our railroad.

As we transition to summer activities around the railroad don’t forget to put our next two run days on your calendar. We are planning on debuting a new steam engine to the railroad this Fall, and you are not going to want to miss the fun and excitement.

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Press Release, Public Run Day, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Press Release, Public Run Day, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Come ride trains on Saturday, May 20th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The railroad comes alive again on Saturday, May 20th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only.

The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

The railroad comes alive again on Saturday, May 20th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only.

The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

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Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Prep Day for our first run day will be on Saturday, May 13th

The second public run day of the season is just around the corner. Come out on Saturday, May 13th and let’s prepare the property and the railroad for our visitors. Workday will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the focus making sure the railroad is ready to go along with cutting grass and checking all equipment. Make sure you bring leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and other lawn tools. Don’t forget other tools you may need to perform work on other items around the railroad.

The second public run day of the season is just around the corner. Come out on Saturday, May 13th and let’s prepare the property and the railroad for our visitors. Workday will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the focus making sure the railroad is ready to go along with cutting grass and checking all equipment. Make sure you bring leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and other lawn tools. Don’t forget other tools you may need to perform work on other items around the railroad.

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Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

10x6 Train Trailer for Sale $2600

We received word that David Nicol is selling his 10 x 6 single axle trailer. The inside is all setup with three tracks and E track tie downs. All the tires, including the spare, are brand new. David mentioned that the shelves in the pictures have been removed but everything else is ready to go. The underside of the trailer has an undercoating protection making this trailer a great find. For more information, please contact David directly. The train is not for sale.

We received word that David Nicol is selling his 10 x 6 single axle trailer. The inside is all setup with three tracks and E track tie downs. All the tires, including the spare, are brand new. David mentioned that the shelves in the pictures have been removed but everything else is ready to go. The underside of the trailer has an undercoating protection making this trailer a great find. For more information, please contact David directly. The train is not for sale.


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Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Impromptu workday recap for Monday, May 6th

On Saturday, May 6th an impromptu workday was put together with John T., Scott, and Norm. The crew split time between working on container #4 and club diesel. John and Norm spent the day working on building a switch and looking at the layout of panels for container #4 tracks. Next step will be to build one more switch and some metal work then final push for the completion of the track work for container #4. The plan is to make a big push in June to complete the track work. Be on the lookout for a couple of workdays to put this project into the completed column which will allow us to focus our efforts on the shop project.

On Saturday, May 6th an impromptu workday was put together with John T., Scott, and Norm. The crew split time between working on container #4 and club diesel. John and Norm spent the day working on building a switch and looking at the layout of panels for container #4 tracks. Next step will be to build one more switch and some metal work then final push for the completion of the track work for container #4. The plan is to make a big push in June to complete the track work. Be on the lookout for a couple of workdays to put this project into the completed column which will allow us to focus our efforts on the shop project.

Meanwhile Scott worked on the club diesel. As many of you know we had some issues with the club diesel during our last run day and Scott took time to work through the list of items which included:

  1. Electric start issues

  2. Air compressor wasn’t always working. Loose connection between locomotive and the sulky

  3. Battery not charging after use. Issue with alternator mount.

  4. The choke pull ring was damaged while pulling the shell off.

  5. Notice the choke also needed a new spring installed.

  6. Noticed a rattle sound while operating the locomotive during the run day.

While this seems like a lot most of the items have been fixed leaving one big item that needs to be fixed still. It was discovered that the rattle was related to what I’m told is a drive shaft spider coupler which connects the engine with the hydraulic pump needs to be replaced. Good news is while we have to order a replacement Norm does have a personal spare which will most likely be used for the repair.

At this point the club diesel is not operational, and efforts are being made to repair the alternator and the spider coupler before the next run day. If you have any questions or are available to help please contact Scott and Norm in order to find out when they will be working on the locomotive.

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Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

Prep Day for our second run day will be on Saturday, May 13th

The second public run day of the season is just around the corner. Come out on Saturday, May 13th and let’s prepare the property and the railroad for our visitors. Workday will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the focus making sure the railroad is ready to go along with cutting grass and checking all equipment. Make sure you bring leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and other lawn tools. Don’t forget other tools you may need to perform work on other items around the railroad.

The second public run day of the season is just around the corner. Come out on Saturday, May 13th and let’s prepare the property and the railroad for our visitors. Workday will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the focus making sure the railroad is ready to go along with cutting grass and checking all equipment. Make sure you bring leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and other lawn tools. Don’t forget other tools you may need to perform work on other items around the railroad.

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Press Release, Latest News, Public Run Day, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Press Release, Latest News, Public Run Day, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Come ride trains on Saturday, May 20th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The railroad comes alive again on Saturday, May 20th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only.

The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

The railroad comes alive again on Saturday, May 20th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only.

The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

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Latest News, Members Only, Public Run Day Photos North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only, Public Run Day Photos North Georgia Live Steamers

Train Ride Day Recap for Saturday, April 29, 2023

What an incredible day we had on Saturday and a big shout out to our members and volunteers who made the day such a huge success. The railroad operated with six trains which included NGLS diesel, NGLS steam engine, Gene’s Berk, Peter’s 10-Wheeler, Wes’s electric steam engine, and Norms diesel. We also had the use of some extra riding cars from Dave E. and Norm. Sam and Norm ran the station with our new PA system while Susan, Charlotte, and Joan took care of the waiver table and concessions. Rick handled our ticket booth while Ben took care of the steaming siding and napping area. The rest of the NGLS crew took care of being conductors and railroad operations. This helped us have the biggest single day passenger count on record giving 711 rides on the railroad within a 3 1/2-hour period. That’s more than 200 riders per hour. This means our trains traveled around the railroad about 15 times throughout the day traveling nearly 15 miles.

What an incredible day we had on Saturday and a big shout out to our members and volunteers who made the day such a huge success. The railroad operated with six trains which included NGLS diesel, NGLS steam engine, Gene’s Berk, Peter’s 10-Wheeler, Wes’s electric steam engine, and Norms diesel. We also had the use of some extra riding cars from Dave E. and Norm. Sam and Norm ran the station with our new PA system while Susan, Charlotte, and Joan took care of the waiver table and concessions. Rick handled our ticket booth while Ben took care of the steaming siding and napping area. The rest of the NGLS crew took care of being conductors and railroad operations. This helped us have the biggest single day passenger count on record giving 711 rides on the railroad within a 3 1/2-hour period. That’s more than 200 riders per hour. This means our trains traveled around the railroad about 15 times throughout the day traveling nearly 15 miles.

Again, the day would not have been a success without our members and volunteers. A special thanks also goes out to our many visitors, and we look forward to seeing each one of you around the railroad again soon.

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Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Public Run Day Reminder and more

Our first public run day of the year is this Saturday. We are expecting a good turnout of members and visitors. To be prepared for the turnout please try and arrive as early as possible so we can make sure the tents, signs, concessions, and trains are setup and ready to go. We know of two groups coming on Saturday with the first being a birthday party and the other being a class from Flint Elementary school. Here are a few check list items for Saturday:

Our first public run day of the year is this Saturday. We are expecting a good turnout of members and visitors. To be prepared for the turnout please try and arrive as early as possible so we can make sure the tents, signs, concessions, and trains are setup and ready to go. We know of two groups coming on Saturday with the first being a birthday party and the other being a class from Flint Elementary school. Here are a few check list items for Saturday:

  1. Make sure you bring a lunch and plenty to drink.

  2. If you have a two-way radio, please bring them.

  3. If you are planning on pulling passengers with either a club or personal train, please make sure you let Peter and Robby know.

  4. Lunch and run day meeting will start at 11:30

  5. Flint Elementary School group of about twenty will be arriving at 12:30 and we will be letting them in to see the railroad and ask questions as we finalize getting everything ready.

  6. We will be introducing the use of a PA system at the station this year. The goal is to make sure everyone hears instructions while in line and while getting on a train.

  7. Conductors, please make sure you are actively involved in loading a train, so we do not overload riding cars or trains.

I am sure I am forgetting something other than see everyone on Saturday and looking forward to seeing all of the smiling faces around the railroad.

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Members Only, Work Day North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Work Day North Georgia Live Steamers

Prep Day Workday Recap for Saturday, April 22nd

The past couple of days have been busy around the railroad in preparation of our season opener next weekend. On Friday, Sam and Wes got a jump start on cutting the grass which made Saturday very productive. The Saturday crew consisted of Ben, Rick, Scott, John Tuten, Peter, Robby, Norm, Gene, Sam, and Tyler. Tyler spent the day cleaning the club steamer and when you see it next weekend you will notice just how clean he made it. Rick, Peter, and Robby took out the club diesel and went around the railroad and performed track maintenance. Norm, Sam, Gene, and Robby cleaned up the passenger station fence including putting new hooks on the fence posts and painting the posts. John and Wes worked on track items for member container #4. Norm brought back the remaining passenger trucks with repaired brakes, new springs, and other maintenance items now complete on the trucks. Now all passenger trucks have been rebuilt and ready for operation. Work was also done behind the red container cleaning out and organizing our storage space in preparation of our next order of railroad tie material arriving in the next week. This also meant rehoming a few tenants to new homes with the cleanup. Overall, extremely product day and looking forward to our season opener next Saturday, April 29th. Setup next Saturday will start at 8:30 a.m.

The past couple of days have been busy around the railroad in preparation of our season opener next weekend. On Friday, Sam and Wes got a jump start on cutting the grass which made Saturday very productive. The Saturday crew consisted of Ben, Rick, Scott, John Tuten, Peter, Robby, Norm, Gene, Sam, and Tyler. Tyler spent the day cleaning the club steamer and when you see it next weekend you will notice just how clean he made it. Rick, Peter, and Robby took out the club diesel and went around the railroad and performed track maintenance. Norm, Sam, Gene, and Robby cleaned up the passenger station fence including putting new hooks on the fence posts and painting the posts. John and Wes worked on track items for member container #4. Norm brought back the remaining passenger trucks with repaired brakes, new springs, and other maintenance items now complete on the trucks. Now all passenger trucks have been rebuilt and ready for operation. Work was also done behind the red container cleaning out and organizing our storage space in preparation of our next order of railroad tie material arriving in the next week. This also meant rehoming a few tenants to new homes with the cleanup. Overall, extremely product day and looking forward to our season opener next Saturday, April 29th. Setup next Saturday will start at 8:30 a.m.

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Press Release, Public Run Day, Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Press Release, Public Run Day, Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Come ride trains on Saturday, April 29th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The railroad comes alive for the first time in 2023 on Saturday, April 29th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The volunteers have been hard at work during the winter months making improvements to the railroad and working on a few rail cars along. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only.

The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

The railroad comes alive for the first time in 2023 on Saturday, April 29th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The volunteers have been hard at work during the winter months making improvements to the railroad and working on a few rail cars along. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only.

The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

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Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Prep Day for our first run day will be on Saturday, April 22nd

The first public run day of the season is just around the corner. Come out on Saturday, April 22nd and let’s prepare the property and the railroad for our visitors. Workday will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the focus making sure the railroad is ready to go along with cutting grass and checking all equipment. Make sure you bring leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and other lawn tools. Don’t forget other tools you may need to perform work on other items around the railroad.

The first public run day of the season is just around the corner. Come out on Saturday, April 22nd and let’s prepare the property and the railroad for our visitors. Workday will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the focus making sure the railroad is ready to go along with cutting grass and checking all equipment. Make sure you bring leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and other lawn tools. Don’t forget other tools you may need to perform work on other items around the railroad.

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Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Prep Day for our first run day will be on Saturday, April 22nd

The first public run day of the season is just around the corner. Come out on Saturday, April 22nd and let’s prepare the property and the railroad for our visitors. Workday will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the focus making sure the railroad is ready to go along with cutting grass and checking all equipment. Make sure you bring leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and other lawn tools. Don’t forget other tools you may need to perform work on other items around the railroad.

The first public run day of the season is just around the corner. Come out on Saturday, April 22nd and let’s prepare the property and the railroad for our visitors. Workday will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the focus making sure the railroad is ready to go along with cutting grass and checking all equipment. Make sure you bring leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and other lawn tools. Don’t forget other tools you may need to perform work on other items around the railroad.

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Members Only, Club Fun Day North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Club Fun Day North Georgia Live Steamers

Almost Monthly Club Fun Day and Club Meeting on Saturday, April 1st (Private Event)

Our next Almost Monthly Club Fun Day will be on Saturday, April 1st. We will take a brief break for a quick club meeting at 1 p.m. For those that are also planning on running during out public run days this would be great day to do your seasonal safety checks.

Our next Almost Monthly Club Fun Day will be on Saturday, April 1st. We will take a brief break for a quick club meeting at 1 p.m. For those that are also planning on running during out public run days this would be great day to do your seasonal safety checks.

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Start spreading the word about the 2023 Club Fun Days

Mark your calendar for the 2023 club fun days happening with North Georgia Live Steamers. These days are for club members, invited, guests, and those in the live steam hobby. The current club fun day events are scheduled on Saturday, April 1st, June 17th, August 26th, September 2nd, and November 25th. Don’t forget our Fall meet scheduled Thursday, October 19th through Sunday, October 22rd. For the latest on what’s going on with our club fun days visit our website site or contact Peter Craymer or Robby Mossman for more details.

Mark your calendar for the 2023 club fun days happening with North Georgia Live Steamers. These days are for club members, invited, guests, and those in the live steam hobby. The current club fun day events are scheduled on Saturday, April 1st, June 17th, August 26th, September 2nd, and November 25th. Don’t forget our Fall meet scheduled Thursday, October 19th through Sunday, October 22rd. For the latest on what’s going on with our club fun days visit our website site or contact Peter Craymer or Robby Mossman for more details.

Note: Club Fun Days are NOT public run day events. These days are reserved for our group to enjoy the railroad with friends, family, and invited guests.

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Members Only, Club Fun Day, Live Steam Railroad Club North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Club Fun Day, Live Steam Railroad Club North Georgia Live Steamers

Almost Monthly Club Fun Day and Club Meeting on Saturday, April 1st (Private Event)

Our next Almost Monthly Club Fun Day will be on Saturday, April 1st. We will take a brief break for the quick club meeting at 1 p.m. For those that are also planning on running during out public run days this would be great day to do your seasonal safety checks.

Our next Almost Monthly Club Fun Day will be on Saturday, April 1st. We will take a brief break for the quick club meeting at 1 p.m. For those that are also planning on running during out public run days this would be great day to do your seasonal safety checks.

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Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Do You Shop at Kroger's? You Could Be Raising Money For North Georgia Live Steamers

If you shop at Kroger's, your everyday purchases could turn donations to the North Georgia Live Steamers.  All you do is register and use your Kroger card every time you shop at Kroger's.

If you shop at Kroger's, your everyday purchases could turn donations to the North Georgia Live Steamers.  All you do is register and use your Kroger card every time you shop at Kroger's.

How do you register your Kroger Rewards card?  Simply click on the link below and login to your account and follow the steps provided by Kroger to register North Georgia Live Steamers with your account.

Here is the link to the reward program:  Kroger Community Rewards program

Remember spread the word to your friends and family and make sure they register North Georgia Live Steamers as a Kroger Community Reward recipient. 

If you have any questions regarding how the program works, please visit Kroger Community Rewards for additional information. 

Our organization number is: NX755

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Latest News, Members Only, Work Day, Track Construction North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only, Work Day, Track Construction North Georgia Live Steamers

Workday Recap for Saturday, March 18th

What an incredible day around the railroad during our March 18th workday. The day start out a little cold, ok just above freezing cold, as John, Robby, and Scott positioning track panels for container number four while Rick, Gene, and Norm did a little planning on the shop container project. Wes joined in on the fun with the container crew as they removed a switch from the mainline, which was the old red container switch near the main grade crossing. Norm and Gene removed the rest of the cross over switch from the mainline that was used to get to the middle of the steaming siding near the water tower. The crew then took the switches and rebuilt them before reinstalling them for the container number for track. The crew also ballasted the panels as the day ended.

What an incredible day around the railroad during our March 18th workday. The day start out a little cold, ok just above freezing cold, as John, Robby, and Scott positioning track panels for container number four while Rick, Gene, and Norm did a little planning on the shop container project. Wes joined in on the fun with the container crew as they removed a switch from the mainline, which was the old red container switch near the main grade crossing. Norm and Gene removed the rest of the cross over switch from the mainline that was used to get to the middle of the steaming siding near the water tower. The crew then took the switches and rebuilt them before reinstalling them for the container number for track. The crew also ballasted the panels as the day ended.

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